Lock Essential - http://www.lockessential.com
- A simple but sophisticated enough encrypted personal information manager.
- A single page web application built with MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js)
- Beta Version Currently Hosted in: http://www.lockessential.com
- Opensource - Anybody can start to contribute
- Giving an open source platform to the community for developing/testing POC of next generation password technology
- UI: AngularJS 1.5.8, Javascript HTML, CSS
- Server: Express, Node.js
- DB: MongoDB, Mongoose
- Encryption Library: CryptoJS
- Authentication: PassportJS
- Build Tool: Gulp
- Unit Testing: Jasmine for UI side, Mocha for Server Side, Karma as test runner
- E2E Testing: Protractor
- Library manager: npm, bower
- Seed : meanjs.org
- SSL Certification: Let's Encrypt
- Paas Hosting: Heroku
- Domain : Godaddy
- cloning the repository:
git clone https://github.com/hvpulok/lockessential.git
- install Node and MongoDB
- inside the local repository folder in terminal cmd :
npm install
- inside terminal run mongo dB service:
- running the app
- in developement mode:
- in production mode:
gulp prod
- in developement mode: