The Neki (pronounced "neck-key") is a mod about what it would be like for such a species to exist in the universe of Starbound. The attitudes of other species towards the Neki vary from borderline fanatic to extremely unpleasant, yet the Neki themselves see the world and its inhabitants in an innocent, wondrous and highly pragmatic way. To the Neki - things are just what they are, with little to no prejudice; the world is their playground and their dining hall.
If you're interested in learning more, it is highly recommended to play the Intro mission, inspect the world around you, converse with key NPCs more than once, and look out for their codices.
Opinions vary, but it is widely believed that the Neki were the brainchild of a renowned and eccentric, if somewhat deranged, entrepreneur of old. The tycoon's virtually limitless resources facilitated an extensive research program that would go on well beyond their own lifetime and employ some of the brightest scientific minds of a generation; its' findings, however, would remain largely unpublished. The research would end up being abruptly overtaken by the U.S.C.M and vanishing from the public eye practically overnight - with rumors of much of it having been stolen by the Miniknog surfacing not long after.
A little while later, the Neki would start appearing on Earth, seemingly out of nowhere, evoking a wide range of reactions - from outright repugnance to acute fascination. Despite their somewhat animalistic appearance and behavior patterns, the Neki have displayed remarkable sapience, craftiness and resourcefulness when compared to most of their Human counterparts, which led to many of the Humans treating them with a high degree of distrust, resentment and even outright hostility.
The Neki have a playful and often pesky demeanor, always looking for stuff to eat, places to sleep and things to play with. They stand out (among Humans) for having very large eyes and ears, as well as long and powerful tails. Short, soft fur in a variety of colors covers their body, and a lush mane stretches from their heads down to the tips of their tails.
You are one of the Neki. How you ended up at the Terrene Protectorate Аcademy, is still unclear.
- Steam Workshop version
- Chucklefish Forums version
- Frackin' Universe Patch (NekiFU)
- Translation template
- Come chat with us at the Neki Discord
- If you'd like to support me and this project, consider checking out my Boosty