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Merge pull request #1653 from hyperledger/dependabot/github_actions/a… #24

Merge pull request #1653 from hyperledger/dependabot/github_actions/a…

Merge pull request #1653 from hyperledger/dependabot/github_actions/a… #24

GitHub Actions / Indy Plenum plenum Test Report for slice 1/8 failed Feb 14, 2024 in 0s

260 tests run, 13 skipped, 1 failed.


Check failure on line 106 in plenum/test/validator_info/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Indy Plenum plenum Test Report for slice 1/8


assert 5 == 4
Raw output
looper = <stp_core.loop.looper.Looper object at 0x7f22be89d640>
info = {'Hardware': {'HDD_all': '56662 Mbs', 'RAM_all_free': '11998 Mbs', 'RAM_used_by_node': '955 Mbs'}, 'Node_info': {'BLS_...Beta', 1), ('Delta', None), ('Epsilon', None), ('Gamma', None)], 'Reachable_nodes_count': 5, ...}, 'Protocol': {}, ...}
txnPoolNodesLooper = <stp_core.loop.looper.Looper object at 0x7f22be89d640>
txnPoolNodeSet = [Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon], node = Alpha

    def test_validator_info_file_pool_fields_valid(looper, info, txnPoolNodesLooper, txnPoolNodeSet, node):
        assert info['Pool_info']['Reachable_nodes_count'] == nodeCount
        assert info['Pool_info']['Reachable_nodes'] == [("Alpha", 0), ("Beta", 1), ("Delta", None), ("Epsilon", None), ("Gamma", None)]
        assert info['Pool_info']['Unreachable_nodes_count'] == 0
        assert info['Pool_info']['Unreachable_nodes'] == []
        assert info['Pool_info']['Total_nodes_count'] == nodeCount
        others, disconnected = txnPoolNodeSet[:-1], txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
        disconnect_node_and_ensure_disconnected(txnPoolNodesLooper, txnPoolNodeSet, disconnected)
        latest_info =
>       assert latest_info['Pool_info']['Reachable_nodes_count'] == nodeCount - 1
E       assert 5 == 4
E         +5
E         -4

disconnected = Epsilon
info       = {'Hardware': {'HDD_all': '56662 Mbs',
              'RAM_all_free': '11998 Mbs',
              'RAM_used_by_node': '955 Mbs'},
 'Node_info': {'BLS_key': 'p2LdkcuVLnqidf9PAM1josFLfSTSTYuGqaSBx2Dq72Z5Kt2axQicYyqkQ6ZfcwzHpmLevmcXVwD4EC32wTbusvYxb5D1MJBfu67SQqxRTcK7pRBQXYiaPrzqUo9odhAgrwNPSbHcBJM6s5cNUPvjZZDuSJvhjC7tKFV9FGqyX4Zs4u',
               'Catchup_status': {'Last_txn_3PC_keys': {0: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Delta': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                                        1: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Delta': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                                        2: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Delta': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                                        3: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Epsilon': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                  'Ledger_statuses': {0: 'synced',
                                                      1: 'synced',
                                                      2: 'synced',
                                                      3: 'synced'},
                                  'Number_txns_in_catchup': {0: 0,
                                                             1: 0,
                                                             2: 0,
                                                             3: 0},
                                  'Received_LedgerStatus': '',
                                  'Waiting_consistency_proof_msgs': {0: None,
                                                                     1: None,
                                                                     2: None,
                                                                     3: None}},
               'Client_ip': '',
               'Client_port': 6370,
               'Client_protocol': 'tcp',
               'Committed_ledger_root_hashes': {0: "b'4YwNu6z3oRwav4HiiLfvkMi81qRpvD1rjzrUmRaNWC4V'",
                                                1: "b'EcoSrgcJh47VwA9ShR7eDXjRkrYM4KW4d7TnaHJjjPyB'",
                                                2: "b'GKot5hBsd81kMupNCXHaqbhv3huEbxAFMLnpcX2hniwn'",
                                                3: "b'E946p4Hffx5pQoTx2CGNPQSAx6ZP4nY6aDbKfHKPhFWR'"},
               'Committed_state_root_hashes': {0: "b'4VnNkVA9SPfxFgxTVtpBdPTYJjcJsUFkKTEgcTmcpVDE'",
                                               1: "b'AcoPPiwdKmDpbaciA5Famm7La48dFNeUi9ZTWkv6q2oY'",
                                               2: "b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA'"},
               'Count_of_replicas': 2,
               'Freshness_status': {0: {'Has_write_consensus': True,
                                        'Last_updated_time': '2024-02-14 '
                                    1: {'Has_write_consensus': True,
                                        'Last_updated_time': '2024-02-14 '
                                    2: {'Has_write_consensus': True,
                                        'Last_updated_time': '2024-02-14 '
               'Metrics': {'Delta': 0.1,
                           'Lambda': 240,
                           'Omega': 20,
                           'average-per-second': {'read-transactions': 0.14589341710454418,
                                                  'write-transactions': 0.14589339173098345},
                           'avg backup throughput': None,
                           'client avg request latencies': {0: None, 1: None},
                           'instances started': {0: 692.60154874,
                                                 1: 692.601564249},
                           'master throughput': None,
                           'master throughput ratio': None,
                           'max master request latencies': 0,
                           'ordered request counts': {0: 1, 1: 1},
                           'ordered request durations': {0: 0.12214335400005893,
                                                         1: 0.05317887400008203},
                           'throughput': {0: None, 1: None},
                           'total requests': 1,
                           'transaction-count': {'audit': 1,
                                                 'config': 0,
                                                 'ledger': 14,
                                                 'pool': 5},
                           'uptime': 6},
               'Mode': 'participating',
               'Name': 'Alpha',
               'Node_ip': '',
               'Node_port': 6369,
               'Node_protocol': 'tcp',
               'Replicas_status': {'Alpha:0': {'Last_ordered_3PC': (0, 1),
                                               'Primary': 'Alpha:0',
                                               'Stashed_txns': {'Stashed_PrePrepare': 0,
                                                                'Stashed_checkpoints': 0},
                                               'Watermarks': '0:300'},
                                   'Alpha:1': {'Last_ordered_3PC': (0, 1),
                                               'Primary': 'Beta:1',
                                               'Stashed_txns': {'Stashed_PrePrepare': 0,
                                                                'Stashed_checkpoints': 0},
                                               'Watermarks': '0:9223372036854775807'}},
               'Requests_timeouts': {'Ordering_phase_req_timeouts': 0,
                                     'Propagates_phase_req_timeouts': 0},
               'Uncommitted_ledger_root_hashes': {},
               'Uncommitted_ledger_txns': {0: {'Count': 0},
                                           1: {'Count': 0},
                                           2: {'Count': 0},
                                           3: {'Count': 0}},
               'Uncommitted_state_root_hashes': {0: "b'4VnNkVA9SPfxFgxTVtpBdPTYJjcJsUFkKTEgcTmcpVDE'",
                                                 1: "b'AcoPPiwdKmDpbaciA5Famm7La48dFNeUi9ZTWkv6q2oY'",
                                                 2: "b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA'"},
               'View_change_status': {'IC_queue': {},
                                      'Last_complete_view_no': 0,
                                      'Last_view_change_started_at': '1970-01-01 '
                                      'VCDone_queue': {},
                                      'VC_in_progress': False,
                                      'View_No': 0},
               'did': 'JpYerf4CssDrH76z7jyQPJLnZ1vwYgvKbvcp16AB5RQ',
               'verkey': '3Syux6kKmqgZ4shG4dPDSAchKQwdHcfQbrpZcoxXz4fsoZftBrTypWP'},
 'Pool_info': {'Blacklisted_nodes': [],
               'Quorums': "{'n': 5, 'f': 1, 'weak': Quorum(2), 'strong': "
                          "Quorum(4), 'propagate': Quorum(2), 'prepare': "
                          "Quorum(3), 'commit': Quorum(4), 'reply': Quorum(2), "
                          "'view_change': Quorum(4), 'election': Quorum(4), "
                          "'view_change_ack': Quorum(3), 'view_change_done': "
                          "Quorum(4), 'same_consistency_proof': Quorum(2), "
                          "'consistency_proof': Quorum(2), 'ledger_status': "
                          "Quorum(3), 'ledger_status_last_3PC': Quorum(2), "
                          "'checkpoint': Quorum(3), 'timestamp': Quorum(2), "
                          "'bls_signatures': Quorum(4), 'observer_data': "
                          "Quorum(2), 'backup_instance_faulty': Quorum(2)}",
               'Reachable_nodes': [('Alpha', 0),
                                   ('Beta', 1),
                                   ('Delta', None),
                                   ('Epsilon', None),
                                   ('Gamma', None)],
               'Reachable_nodes_count': 5,
               'Read_only': None,
               'Suspicious_nodes': '',
               'Total_nodes_count': 5,
               'Unreachable_nodes': [],
               'Unreachable_nodes_count': 0,
               'f_value': 1},
 'Protocol': {},
 'Software': {'Indy_packages': ['ii  indy-plenum                '
                                '1.13.1~dev1707942013              '
                                'amd64        Plenum Byzantine Fault Tolerant '
                                'ii  libindy                    '
                                '1.16.0~1655-bionic                '
                                'amd64        This is the official SDK for '
                                'Hyperledger Indy',
              'Installed_packages': ['Cython 0.29.36',
                                     'sortedcontainers 1.5.7',
                                     'leveldb 0.201',
                                     'ujson 1.33',
                                     'iniconfig 2.0.0',
                                     'orderedset 2.0.3',
                                     'python3-indy 1.16.0.post236',
                                     'python-rocksdb 0.7.0',
                                     'pytest-forked 1.3.0',
                                     'indy-plenum 1.13.1',
                                     'ioflo 2.0.2',
                                     'pytest-asyncio 0.14.0',
                                     'jsonpickle 3.0.2',
                                     'psutil 5.9.8',
                                     'sha3 0.2.1',
                                     'pyzmq 22.3.0',
                                     'python-ursa 0.1.1',
                                     'libnacl 1.6.1',
                                     'execnet 2.0.2',
                                     'six 1.16.0',
                                     'Pympler 0.8',
                                     'msgpack-python 0.5.6',
                                     'importlib-metadata 3.10.1',
                                     'rlp 0.6.0',
                                     'packaging 21.3',
                                     'python-dateutil 2.8.2',
                                     'prompt-toolkit 3.0.18',
                                     'base58 2.1.1',
                                     'pytest 6.2.2',
                                     'pytest-xdist 2.2.1',
                                     'attrs 20.3.0',
                                     'toml 0.10.2',
                                     'semver 2.13.0',
                                     'portalocker 2.7.0',
                                     'setuptools 45.2.0',
                                     'wheel 0.34.2',
                                     'pip 20.0.2',
                                     'more-itertools 4.2.0',
                                     'wcwidth 0.1.8',
                                     'pytest 4.6.9',
                                     'pyparsing 2.4.6',
                                     'zipp 1.0.0',
                                     'atomicwrites 1.1.5',
                                     'pysha3 1.0.2',
                                     'attrs 19.3.0',
                                     'py 1.8.1',
                                     'pluggy 0.13.0'],
              'OS_version': 'Linux-5.15.0-1054-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.29'},
 'response-version': '0.0.1',
 'timestamp': 1707945272}
latest_info = {'Hardware': {'HDD_all': '56658 Mbs',
              'RAM_all_free': '11998 Mbs',
              'RAM_used_by_node': '955 Mbs'},
 'Node_info': {'BLS_key': 'p2LdkcuVLnqidf9PAM1josFLfSTSTYuGqaSBx2Dq72Z5Kt2axQicYyqkQ6ZfcwzHpmLevmcXVwD4EC32wTbusvYxb5D1MJBfu67SQqxRTcK7pRBQXYiaPrzqUo9odhAgrwNPSbHcBJM6s5cNUPvjZZDuSJvhjC7tKFV9FGqyX4Zs4u',
               'Catchup_status': {'Last_txn_3PC_keys': {0: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Delta': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                                        1: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Delta': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                                        2: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Delta': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                                        3: {'Beta': (None,
                                                            'Epsilon': (None,
                                                            'Gamma': (None,
                                  'Ledger_statuses': {0: 'synced',
                                                      1: 'synced',
                                                      2: 'synced',
                                                      3: 'synced'},
                                  'Number_txns_in_catchup': {0: 0,
                                                             1: 0,
                                                             2: 0,
                                                             3: 0},
                                  'Received_LedgerStatus': '',
                                  'Waiting_consistency_proof_msgs': {0: None,
                                                                     1: None,
                                                                     2: None,
                                                                     3: None}},
               'Client_ip': '',
               'Client_port': 6370,
               'Client_protocol': 'tcp',
               'Committed_ledger_root_hashes': {0: "b'4YwNu6z3oRwav4HiiLfvkMi81qRpvD1rjzrUmRaNWC4V'",
                                                1: "b'EcoSrgcJh47VwA9ShR7eDXjRkrYM4KW4d7TnaHJjjPyB'",
                                                2: "b'GKot5hBsd81kMupNCXHaqbhv3huEbxAFMLnpcX2hniwn'",
                                                3: "b'E946p4Hffx5pQoTx2CGNPQSAx6ZP4nY6aDbKfHKPhFWR'"},
               'Committed_state_root_hashes': {0: "b'4VnNkVA9SPfxFgxTVtpBdPTYJjcJsUFkKTEgcTmcpVDE'",
                                               1: "b'AcoPPiwdKmDpbaciA5Famm7La48dFNeUi9ZTWkv6q2oY'",
                                               2: "b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA'"},
               'Count_of_replicas': 2,
               'Freshness_status': {0: {'Has_write_consensus': True,
                                        'Last_updated_time': '2024-02-14 '
                                    1: {'Has_write_consensus': True,
                                        'Last_updated_time': '2024-02-14 '
                                    2: {'Has_write_consensus': True,
                                        'Last_updated_time': '2024-02-14 '
               'Metrics': {'Delta': 0.1,
                           'Lambda': 240,
                           'Omega': 20,
                           'average-per-second': {'read-transactions': 0.14578628744031633,
                                                  'write-transactions': 0.14578626717126703},
                           'avg backup throughput': None,
                           'client avg request latencies': {0: None, 1: None},
                           'instances started': {0: 692.60154874,
                                                 1: 692.601564249},
                           'master throughput': None,
                           'master throughput ratio': None,
                           'max master request latencies': 0,
                           'ordered request counts': {0: 1, 1: 1},
                           'ordered request durations': {0: 0.12214335400005893,
                                                         1: 0.05317887400008203},
                           'throughput': {0: None, 1: None},
                           'total requests': 1,
                           'transaction-count': {'audit': 1,
                                                 'config': 0,
                                                 'ledger': 14,
                                                 'pool': 5},
                           'uptime': 6},
               'Mode': 'participating',
               'Name': 'Alpha',
               'Node_ip': '',
               'Node_port': 6369,
               'Node_protocol': 'tcp',
               'Replicas_status': {'Alpha:0': {'Last_ordered_3PC': (0, 1),
                                               'Primary': 'Alpha:0',
                                               'Stashed_txns': {'Stashed_PrePrepare': 0,
                                                                'Stashed_checkpoints': 0},
                                               'Watermarks': '0:300'},
                                   'Alpha:1': {'Last_ordered_3PC': (0, 1),
                                               'Primary': 'Beta:1',
                                               'Stashed_txns': {'Stashed_PrePrepare': 0,
                                                                'Stashed_checkpoints': 0},
                                               'Watermarks': '0:9223372036854775807'}},
               'Requests_timeouts': {'Ordering_phase_req_timeouts': 0,
                                     'Propagates_phase_req_timeouts': 0},
               'Uncommitted_ledger_root_hashes': {},
               'Uncommitted_ledger_txns': {0: {'Count': 0},
                                           1: {'Count': 0},
                                           2: {'Count': 0},
                                           3: {'Count': 0}},
               'Uncommitted_state_root_hashes': {0: "b'4VnNkVA9SPfxFgxTVtpBdPTYJjcJsUFkKTEgcTmcpVDE'",
                                                 1: "b'AcoPPiwdKmDpbaciA5Famm7La48dFNeUi9ZTWkv6q2oY'",
                                                 2: "b'DfNLmH4DAHTKv63YPFJzuRdeEtVwF5RtVnvKYHd8iLEA'"},
               'View_change_status': {'IC_queue': {},
                                      'Last_complete_view_no': 0,
                                      'Last_view_change_started_at': '1970-01-01 '
                                      'VCDone_queue': {},
                                      'VC_in_progress': False,
                                      'View_No': 0},
               'did': 'JpYerf4CssDrH76z7jyQPJLnZ1vwYgvKbvcp16AB5RQ',
               'verkey': '3Syux6kKmqgZ4shG4dPDSAchKQwdHcfQbrpZcoxXz4fsoZftBrTypWP'},
 'Pool_info': {'Blacklisted_nodes': [],
               'Quorums': "{'n': 5, 'f': 1, 'weak': Quorum(2), 'strong': "
                          "Quorum(4), 'propagate': Quorum(2), 'prepare': "
                          "Quorum(3), 'commit': Quorum(4), 'reply': Quorum(2), "
                          "'view_change': Quorum(4), 'election': Quorum(4), "
                          "'view_change_ack': Quorum(3), 'view_change_done': "
                          "Quorum(4), 'same_consistency_proof': Quorum(2), "
                          "'consistency_proof': Quorum(2), 'ledger_status': "
                          "Quorum(3), 'ledger_status_last_3PC': Quorum(2), "
                          "'checkpoint': Quorum(3), 'timestamp': Quorum(2), "
                          "'bls_signatures': Quorum(4), 'observer_data': "
                          "Quorum(2), 'backup_instance_faulty': Quorum(2)}",
               'Reachable_nodes': [('Alpha', 0),
                                   ('Beta', 1),
                                   ('Delta', None),
                                   ('Epsilon', None),
                                   ('Gamma', None)],
               'Reachable_nodes_count': 5,
               'Read_only': None,
               'Suspicious_nodes': '',
               'Total_nodes_count': 5,
               'Unreachable_nodes': [],
               'Unreachable_nodes_count': 0,
               'f_value': 1},
 'Protocol': {},
 'Software': {'Indy_packages': ['ii  indy-plenum                '
                                '1.13.1~dev1707942013              '
                                'amd64        Plenum Byzantine Fault Tolerant '
                                'ii  libindy                    '
                                '1.16.0~1655-bionic                '
                                'amd64        This is the official SDK for '
                                'Hyperledger Indy',
              'Installed_packages': ['Cython 0.29.36',
                                     'sortedcontainers 1.5.7',
                                     'leveldb 0.201',
                                     'ujson 1.33',
                                     'iniconfig 2.0.0',
                                     'orderedset 2.0.3',
                                     'python3-indy 1.16.0.post236',
                                     'python-rocksdb 0.7.0',
                                     'pytest-forked 1.3.0',
                                     'indy-plenum 1.13.1',
                                     'ioflo 2.0.2',
                                     'pytest-asyncio 0.14.0',
                                     'jsonpickle 3.0.2',
                                     'psutil 5.9.8',
                                     'sha3 0.2.1',
                                     'pyzmq 22.3.0',
                                     'python-ursa 0.1.1',
                                     'libnacl 1.6.1',
                                     'execnet 2.0.2',
                                     'six 1.16.0',
                                     'Pympler 0.8',
                                     'msgpack-python 0.5.6',
                                     'importlib-metadata 3.10.1',
                                     'rlp 0.6.0',
                                     'packaging 21.3',
                                     'python-dateutil 2.8.2',
                                     'prompt-toolkit 3.0.18',
                                     'base58 2.1.1',
                                     'pytest 6.2.2',
                                     'pytest-xdist 2.2.1',
                                     'attrs 20.3.0',
                                     'toml 0.10.2',
                                     'semver 2.13.0',
                                     'portalocker 2.7.0',
                                     'setuptools 45.2.0',
                                     'wheel 0.34.2',
                                     'pip 20.0.2',
                                     'more-itertools 4.2.0',
                                     'wcwidth 0.1.8',
                                     'pytest 4.6.9',
                                     'pyparsing 2.4.6',
                                     'zipp 1.0.0',
                                     'atomicwrites 1.1.5',
                                     'pysha3 1.0.2',
                                     'attrs 19.3.0',
                                     'py 1.8.1',
                                     'pluggy 0.13.0'],
              'OS_version': 'Linux-5.15.0-1054-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.29'},
 'response-version': '0.0.1',
 'timestamp': 1707945272}
looper     = <stp_core.loop.looper.Looper object at 0x7f22be89d640>
node       = Alpha
others     = [Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta]
txnPoolNodeSet = [Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon]
txnPoolNodesLooper = <stp_core.loop.looper.Looper object at 0x7f22be89d640>

plenum/test/validator_info/ AssertionError