This project automates the deployment of MongoDB on an AWS EKS cluster. By utilizing Terraform for infrastructure provisioning and Ansible for configuration management, we've streamlined the process to ensure a smooth and efficient deployment. Once set up, users can access the MongoDB instance either through the mongosh shell from a bastion instance or programmatically via the pymongo Python library.
- AWS Account
- Terraform installed
- Ansible installed
- Access to AWS S3 bucket for Terraform state management
Edit the bucket names specified in and to fit your desired AWS environment.
Navigate to the project's root directory and run:
terraform init
Deploy the AWS resources:
Applying infrafstructure using the script also forwards port to localhost that allows DB client connection.
Once Terraform has finished provisioning the resources, get the public IP of the bastion instance:
terraform output bastion_public_ip
Terraform script will create a key pair and save the private key as mongodb-in-eks.pem
in the current directory. Ensure you keep this key secure.
SSH into the bastion host:
ssh -i mongodb-in-eks.pem ec2-user@$(terraform output bastion_public_ip)
Extract the MongoDB root password:
password=$(kubectl get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.mongodb-root-password}' | base64 --decode)
Access the MongoDB instance using the extracted password:
mongosh --host localhost --port 27017 --username root --password $password --authenticationDatabase admin
Make sure your Python script is equipped with the get_mongodb_password
function to pull the root password from Kubernetes secret:
from pymongo import MongoClient
from kubernetes import client, config
import base64
def get_mongodb_password():
v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
secret = v1.read_namespaced_secret(name="mongodb", namespace="default")
encoded_password =["mongodb-root-password"]
decoded_password = base64.b64decode(encoded_password).decode('utf-8')
return decoded_password
Use the extracted password to establish a connection:
password = get_mongodb_password()
mongo_client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017,
db = mongo_client[<dbname>]
- Via DB Client such as
Studio 3T
MongoDB password is additional saved in AWS secretmanager and can be retrieved using the following AWS CLI command:
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id MongoDBPassword --region <region> | jq -r .SecretString
The script for applyting terraform script also does port-forwarding to allow connection to localhost. You can use the following URL to connect to the MongoDB server:
Destroy the AWS resources:
This automated setup aids in deploying a MongoDB instance on an AWS EKS cluster efficiently. The integration of Terraform and Ansible ensures that infrastructure and configuration management are handled seamlessly.