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WooCommerce Memcached Full Page Cache

License: GPL v3 WooCommerce v3.5+ WordPress v4.9+ WordPress v5.x+ PHP v7.x PHP Memcached

WooCommerce full page cache plugin using Memcached. Allows full control which Products, Categories, Pages should be cleared without flushing the cache.

CREDITS: This plugin is the spiritual successor of WP-FFPC by Peter Molnar.

Table of contents


WooCommerce Memcached Full Page Cache - FPC specialized for WooCommerece via PHP-Memcached.
Copyright (C)  2019 Achim Galeski ( )

Based on: WP-FFPC - A fast, memory based full page cache plugin supporting APC or memcached.
Copyright (C)  2010-2017 Peter Molnar ( )

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301USA


GPL v3 - Please view LICENSE document.

License: GPL v3



  • A server running Memcached-Server.
  • libmemcached on the Server that runs WordPress/WooCommerce.
  • php-memcached on the Server that runs WordPress/WooCommerce.
  • PHP 7.x any version 7 of PHP will do. I have not tested 5.6 yet.


  • SASL For authentication SASL must be enabled.


  1. Upload contents of (OR clone this repository) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your wordpress installation.
  2. Enable WordPress caching via adding define('WP_CACHE', true); in the file wp-config.php
  3. Activate the plugin in WordPress
  4. Check the settings in WooCommerce => Full Page Cache menu in your Wordpress admin backend.
  5. (!) Save the settings (!) to generate /wp-content/advanced-cache.php and activate caching.

As a side note: How to install Memcached


Settings link:


WP Admin => WooCommerce => Settings => Advanced => Full Page Cache


  'hosts'                   => '',
  'memcached_binary'        => 'yes',
  'authpass'                => '',
  'authuser'                => '',
  'expire'                  => '86400',
  'browsercache'            => '14400',
  'prefix_meta'             => 'meta-',
  'prefix_data'             => 'data-',
  'charset'                 => 'utf-8',
  'cache_loggedin'          => 'yes',
  'nocache_cookies'         => '',
  'nocache_woocommerce_url' => '^/DYNAMIC/|^/DYNAMIC/|^/DYNAMIC/|^/wc\\-api|^/\\?wc\\-api=',
  'nocache_url'             => '^/wc\\-|^/wp\\-|addons|removed|gdsr|wp_rg|wp_session​|wc_session​',
  'response_header'         => 'yes',
  'comments_invalidate'     => 'yes',
  'pingback_header'         => '0',


Memcached server list Ip:Port,Ip2:Port2,Ip3:Port


Enables binary connection mode (faster). However, in some cases this is not possible to use. Unchecked the plugin will fall back to a ASCII mode (slower).


Stores the password for authentication with all hosts in the list. (!) SASL must be enabled.


Stores the user for authentication with all hosts in the list. (!) SASL must be enabled.


The expire time of the cached entries in Memcached.


Used to determine modified since and when the Browser-cache of a given page should expire.


The prefix for meta-data keys in memcached. (!) Must be different than the data prefix or entries will be overwritten.


The prefix for page content keys in memcached. (!) Must be different than the meta prefix or entries will be overwritten.


Used to set the charset header when a page is loaded from cache.


Enable to load cached pages even for logged in customers/users. (!) Does NOT use cache for Admins.


The place to define custom cookies which should prevent caching for users with the cookies provided here.


Contains the regex to exclude WooCommerce API & default dynamic pages like checkout and cart. (!) Generated on save.


Enter your own regex to exclude matches from caching.


Enable to add the X-Cache response header if cache is loaded.


Enable to trigger cache clearing on comment actions.


Enable to preserve the PingBack header for cached pages.


You can use hooks to customize the behaviour of this plugin.




Filter Hooks:

wc-mfpc-advanced-cache.php :

Memcached::class :

Admin::class :

  • wc_mfpc_custom_advanced_cache_config

Action Hooks:

AdminView::class :

  • wc_mfpc_settings_form_top

    Lets you add your own fieldset at the beginning of the admin settings form.

  • wc_mfpc_settings_form_bottom

    Lets you add your own fieldset at the end of the adming settings form.

  • wc_mfpc_settings_form_memcached_connection

    Lets you add your own form fields to the fieldset of the memcached connection settings.

  • wc_mfpc_settings_form_cache

    Lets you add your own form fields to the fieldset of the cache settings.

  • wc_mfpc_settings_form_exception

    Lets you add your own form fields to the fieldset of the exception settings.

  • wc_mfpc_settings_form_debug

    Lets you add your own form fields to the fieldset of the debug settings.

Hook: Custom SkipLoadFromCache

  • wc_mfpc_custom_skip_load_from_cache

This hook gives you control if a given uri should be processed by the advanced-cache or rather not.

Example #1:

 * Function to customize whether a page is processed by wp-ffpc at all.
 * @param bool   $skip    Default: false - return TRUE for skipping
 * @param array  $config  Array with config from advanced-cache.php
 * @param string $uri     Requested URI string
 * @return bool $skip
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_skip_load_from_cache($skip = false, $config = [], $uri = '')
     * If you do somehting like this, don't forget to add this cookie also to your 
     * cache exclude list in nginx.
    if (! empty($_COOKIE[ 'SUPER_SPECIAL_COOKIE' ]) {

        $skip = true;

    return $skip
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_skip_load_from_cache', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_skip_load_from_cache')

Example #2:

if (! empty($_COOKIE[ 'SUPER_SPECIAL_COOKIE' ]) {
   add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_skip_load_from_cache', '__return_true');


Hook: Custom SkipCaching

  • wc_mfpc_custom_skip_caching

This hook gives you control if a given uri should be processed and stored in cache or rather not. The content of the page is already known at this point and can be analysed for consideration.

Example #1:

 * Function to custom skip storing data in cache.
 * @param bool $skip       Set TRUE to skip caching.
 * @param string $content  The page content.
 * @return bool $skip
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_skip_caching($skip = false, $content = '')
    if (! empty(stripos($content, '<div class="skip-me-from-cache">'))) {

        $skip = true;


    return $skip;
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_skip_caching', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_skip_caching')

Example #2:

 * Somewhere in your plugin / theme when rendering a special, individual & dynamic page
 * which should never be cached.
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_skip_caching', '__return_true');

Hook: Custom CacheContent

  • wc_mfpc_custom_cache_content

This hook lets you customize the raw content of a page, before it gets stored in cache.

It can be found here: wc-mfpc-advanced-cache.php


 * Function to customize the html content of any page.
 * @param string $cacheContent  The content to be stored in cache.
 * @return string $cacheContent
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_cache_content($cacheContent = '')
     * Add generation date info, but only to HTML.
    if (stripos($cacheContent, '</body>')) {

        $insertion    = "\n<!-- WC-MFPC cache created date: " . date('c') . " -->\n";
        $index        = stripos($buffer, '</body>');
        $cacheContent = substr_replace($buffer, $insertion, $index, 0);
    return $cacheContent;
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_cache_content', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_cache_content');

Hook: Custom CacheMeta

  • wc_mfpc_custom_cache_meta

This hook lets you customize the cache meta data of a page, before it gets stored in cache.

It can be found here: wc-mfpc-advanced-cache.php


 * Function to customize the cached meta data array of any page.
 * @param array $cacheMeta  The meta data array to be stored in cache.
 * @return array $cacheMeta
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_cache_meta($cacheMeta = [])
     * Example:
     * Change browsercache expire time for certain page types before storing meta data.
    if (is_home() || is_feed) {

        $cacheMeta[ 'expire' ] = time() + 1800;

    } elseif (is_archive()) {

        $cacheMeta[ 'expire' ] = time() + 3600;

    } elseif (is_product()) {

        $cacheMeta[ 'expire' ] = time() + 7200;

    return $cacheMeta;
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_cache_meta', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_cache_meta');

Hook: Custom BuildUrl

  • wc_mfpc_custom_build_url

This hook lets you customize the Url which is used for the Memcached key of the actual viewed page.


 * Function to customize URL used as Memcached key.
 * @param string $url     The URL determined by the plugins default functionality.
 *                        Default: $url = $scheme . $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
 * @param string $scheme  The Scheme determined by the default functionality.
 *                        Default: 'http://' or 'https://'.
 * @return string $url
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_build_url($url = '', $scheme = '')
    return $url . $_SERVER[ 'QUERY_STRING' ];
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_build_url', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_build_url', 10, 2);

Hook: Custom BuildKey

  • wc_mfpc_custom_build_key

This hook lets you customize the Key which is used to store in and get values from Memcached.


 * Function to customize the keys used in Memcached.
 * @param string $key        Cache key string that was set by default.
 *                           Default: $key = $this->config[ 'prefix_' . $type ] . $permalink;
 * @param string $permalink  Permalink of the cache object in question.
 * @param string $type       Cache key type to build the prefix.
 * @return string $key
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_build_key($key = '', $permalink = '', $type = '')
    if ($type === 'aCustomType') {
        $key = 'cust-' . $permalink;
    return $key;
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_build_key', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_build_key', 10, 3);

Hook: Custom BuildKeys

  • wc_mfpc_custom_build_keys

This hook lets you customize an array of multiple Keys which are used to store in and get values from Memcached.


 * Function to customize the list of keys used in Memcached.
 * @param array $keys        Cache keys array which was set by default.
 *                           Default: $key = $this->config[ 'prefix_' . $type ] . $permalink;
 * @param array $permalinks  Array of Permalinks (as aarray keys) of the cache object in question.
 * @return array $keys
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_build_keys($keys = [], $permalinks = [])
    foreach ($permalinks as $permalink => $dummy) {
        $keys[ $this->buildKey($permalink, 'cust') ] = true;
    return $keys;
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_build_keys', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_build_keys', 10, 2);

Hook: Custom Expire

  • wc_mfpc_custom_expire

This hook lets you customize the Memcached cache expiration time before setting the entry.


 * Function to customize cache expriration time in seconds.
 * @param int $expire  Lifetime of the cache entry in seconds.
 * @return int
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_expire($expire = 0)
    if ($this->config[ 'expire_home' ] !== '' && (is_home() || is_feed())) {
        $expire = (int) $this->config[ 'expire_home' ];
    } elseif (
              $this->config[ 'expire_taxonomy' ] !== '' 
              && (is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() || is_archive())
    ) {
        $expire = (int) $this->config[ 'expire_taxonomy' ];
    return $expire;
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_expire', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_expire');

Hook: Custom AdvancedCacheConfig

  • wc_mfpc_custom_advanced_cache_config

This hook lets you customize the global config array before it gets written into the file wp-content/advanced-cache.php.


 * FUnction to customize the Global-Config array before it is written via var_export to the advanced-cache.php file.
 * @param array $globalConfig  Array with the global config array including configs of all blogs.
 * @return array $globalConfig
function cust_wc_mfpc_set_advanced_cache_config($globalConfig = [])
    $globalConfig[ 'example_setting' ] = true;
    return $globalConfig;
add_filter('wc_mfpc_custom_advanced_cache_config', 'cust_wc_mfpc_set_advanced_cache_config');

Example: default advanced-cache.php

Plugin Name: WooCommerce Memcached Full Page Cache (Drop-In: advanced-cache.php)
Plugin URI:
Description: WooCommerce full page cache plugin based on Memcached.
Version: 1.0
Author: Achim Galeski <>
License: GPLv3

global $wc_mfpc_config_array;

$wc_mfpc_config_array = array (
  '' => 
  array (
    'hosts' => '',
    'memcached_binary' => 'yes',
    'authpass' => '',
    'authuser' => '',
    'expire' => '86400',
    'browsercache' => '14400',
    'prefix_meta' => 'meta-',
    'prefix_data' => 'data-',
    'charset' => 'utf-8',
    'cache_loggedin' => 'yes',
    'nocache_cookies' => '',
    'nocache_woocommerce_url' => '^/kasse/|^/mein\\-konto/|^/warenkorb/|^/wc\\-api|^/\\?wc\\-api=',
    'nocache_url' => '^/wc\\-|^/wp\\-|addons|removed|gdsr|wp_rg|wp_session​|wc_session​',
    'response_header' => 'yes',
    'comments_invalidate' => 'yes',
    'pingback_header' => '0',

include_once ('/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-memcached-full-page-cache/wc-mfpc-advanced-cache.php');


If you are using this plugin in the default settings, it should work very well with nginx.

However, a few tweaks in the nginx site config are needed to optimize page delivery and in best case bypass PHP entirely.


# In your location block:
try_files $uri $uri/ @memcached;

# New location blocks for memcached handling:
location @memcached {

        default_type text/html;
        # Create the key var to get cached page content from Memcached
        set $memcached_key data-$scheme://$host$request_uri;
        # Create boolean var identifier if Memcached will be used or not.
        set $memcached_request 1;

        # Set the connection timeout to avoid endless loading times in case Memcached is not available.
        memcached_connect_timeout 2s;

        # If it is a post request, do not load from cache.
        if ($request_method = POST ) {
                set $memcached_request 0;

        # If the URL is internal WordPress, do not load from cache.
        if ( $uri ~ "/wp-" ) {
                set $memcached_request 0;

        # If args are set, do not load from cache.
        if ( $args ) {
                set $memcached_request 0;

        # If cookie(s) set for logged in users, do not load from cache.
        if ($http_cookie ~* "comment_author_|wordpressuser_|wp-postpass_|wordpress_logged_in_" ) {
                set $memcached_request 0;

        # If none of the conditions above where met, load page content from Memcached.
        if ( $memcached_request = 1) {
                # Define the Memcached Server connection.
                # If Memcached was not reachable or the page is any error page at all, fall back to PHP.
                error_page 404 500 502 504 = @rewrites;

        # If one or more of the conditions above where met, fall back to PHP.
        if ( $memcached_request = 0) {
                rewrite ^ /index.php last;

location @rewrites {
        add_header X-Cache-Engine "";
        rewrite ^ /index.php last;

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