The code for "Finding KOSR" -- Course COP5727
We have 3 available RoadNetwork dataset:
California City of San Joaquin County (TG) City of Oldenburg (OL)
The information of the map will be shown if you run the program
There argument are shwon as follow:
static uint k; // .............. top-k optimal solution
static uint totalCate; // ...... total number of categories
static uint numQueries; // ..... number of queries
static uint numCate; // ........ number of categories each query
static string algo; // ......... which version of algorithm to be used
// algo can be "prunedij" or "prunefnn"
static string mapdata;
static bool direct;
/// mathematic parameter
static int INF;
/// for read arguments
static void readArguments(int argc, char* argv[]);
static void printArguments();
/// for immediate result print
static bool verbose; // ....... For debugging
static bool verbose_dijk; //... For dubugging dijkstra
static int randseed; // ....... Control the query generating
You can change the following argument manually:
k, numQueris, numCate, algo, mapdata and print
Ther are 4 available input of mapdata:
-map test (tiny map in the paper) -map cal -map TG -map OL
Remember delete all files in the /obj folder the first time you run the program.
The program can be run in the following command (just example):
make ./DATALOADER -map cal -print 0 -k 30 -nq 50 -nc $c -seed 100 -algo "prunedij"
The output file will be saved in the current folder