In the minecraft community, we recently lost a hero of many people. TechnoBlade was a role model for us all, and he brought so much joy to everyone who watched his videos.
TechnoBlade had Sarcoma Cancer, and it had finally taken his life in june 2022. In honor of TechnoBlade and his legacy he left on the Minecraft/Hypixel community, myself and a few others have decided to make a memorial server for raising awareness for Sarcoma cancer, as well as raising funds and money for the Sarcoma Foundation of America.
To honor our pledge of FULL transparency, we have made the plugin behind the server public and open source for all to see.
Players can log onto the server, and they will be welcomed with a custom terrain, open field where each player can purchase a pig spawn egg through Tebex/Buycraft.
There would be 4 tiers of donations, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Custom. Iron would be $1 USD, gold $5 USD, diamond $20 USD, and custom would be any amount above $20 USD
100% of profits would go directly to the Sarcoma Foundation of America, after we pay for server hosting expenses.
Player would purchase a tier online via Tebex. Tebex would then run a command in
game: /techno give <player> <tier> <amount>
Once that command gets run in game, it would create a QueuedDonation
object, and then save the data of that into
SQL storage The SQL storage table would go as follows:
id | donationUUID | tier | amountUSD | donorUUID | timestamp |
1 | d670ac2d-2f9d-4afc-899e-025efaaa5573 | IRON | 5.0 | 5a5ff914-6777-400e-803a-e9f78fa8bda6 | 1656911822367 |
The player would then be able to run the command /claimPig
in game, and it would go through every entry in the queued
donations table and give them a pig spawn egg that would correspond to the row in the table.
At first, the spawn egg would not have a message attached to it, the player can then add a message
with /message <message>
which allows them to set the message on the egg and ultimately into the final donation note
for that pig. The message command would have a profanity filter and restrict players from putting inappropriate words,
In config there is a list of blacklisted words to filter out.
The player can then right-click either the air or a block, and it will spawn a pig in at their location. The pig will
have a custom name in the format of: <donor>'s pig
, example: i01's pig
, The pig would be color coded to match the
donation tier. Iron would be Light-Gray (&7), Gold would be Gold (&6), Diamond would be Light-Blue (&b), and custom
would be rainbow.
When the player places the pig down, it will remove the egg from their inventory and make an entry in
the final_donations
table in SQL. This table will be full of all the final donations that players have made.
When someone Shifts + Right-Clicks on a pig it will send them information about that pig, including the custom message that the donor wrote.
Donors will be able to ride their own pig by Right-Clicking on them. You cannot ride other donors pigs, only your own. ALl players on first join will be given a Carrot On a Stick to be able to control their pigs while riding.
Throughout the entire server, all damage, block breaking & placing, and food loss will be fully disabled and the world will be in peaceful difficulty.
In the background there will be a task to assure all pigs are properly spawned in with their corresponding donor attached to them. On reboot this task will run as well. The task does as follows:
- Loops through all pigs in all worlds and removes any that are not linked to a donation ID.
- Loops through the final donations table, and checks if there is a mapped entity ID with the corresponding donation ID.
- If there is not, it will spawn a pig in at a random (pre-set) location. and will have all meta-data attached to it.
- There will be an admin command
/techno addpigspawn
that will add the location of the admin into the list of pre-set spawn locations to randomly pick between.