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Hosting Requirements

Jamie E edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 1 revision

mojoPortal content management system requires ASP.NET 4.5 hosting for best results. There are numerous hosting providers which offer ASP.NET hosting and mojoportal should work fine at most of them.

Although mojoPortal can work with 5 different databases, MSSQL/SQLExpress/SQL-CE/SQL-Azure, MySql, PostgreSQl, Firebird Sql, and SQLite, you will most commonly find that hosting providers offer MSSQL/SQLExpress and a few offer MySql in addition. I don't know of any hosting providers offering the other databases so those could likely only be used on your own servers.

In general, if you are a non-technical person and you want to use mojoPortal, I recommened you go with hosting on a Windows server using MSSQL/SQLExpress, and if you don't already have hosting go with one of our recommended hosts and you should have no problems.

If you are planning to host mojoPortal on your own server(s) instead of using a third party web host, you may want to read the Web Site Configuration documentation.

ASP.NET 4.0/4.5
IIS 6 or higher
    MSSQL 2005\2008\Azure
    MSSQL-CE 4
    Firebird SQL