ft_transcendence is a Pong contest website that offers real-time multiplayer online games, chat, and user account functionalities. Developed using NestJS for the backend, a TypeScript framework for the frontend, and PostgreSQL for the database.
- 🧓 @Obaid Al Tenaiji
- 👨💻 @Bassam Naji
- @Motasem Algunaid
- @Abrar
- @Emad Saad
- Prerequisites: List any software or tools that need to be installed beforehand (e.g., Docker, Node.js).
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/i99dev/ft_transcendence.git
- Setup: Instructions to set up the project, including any environment variables, database setup, etc.
- Running the Project:
docker-compose up --build
- OAuth system of 42 intranet for login.
- Unique display name selection.
- Avatar upload with a default option.
- Two-factor authentication.
- Friend system with status display.
- User stats and match history.
- Channel creation with public, private, or password protection.
- Direct messaging.
- User blocking.
- Channel ownership and administration.
- Pong game invitations via chat.
- Real-time Pong game against other players.
- Matchmaking system.
- Customization options with a default game mode.
- Hashed passwords.
- Protection against SQL injections.
- Server-side validation.
- Local storage of credentials in a .env file.
- Instructions for developers who want to contribute to the project.
- Coding standards and best practices to follow.
- Process for submitting pull requests.
- Information about the licensing of the project. If you're using an open-source license, specify which one and include its text or a link to it.