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Egor Badmaev edited this page Dec 5, 2022 · 6 revisions


A utility for writing string messages in debug mode.


Writes a message to the log using the specified log type.


public static func log(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String, logType: LogType, shouldLogContext: Bool = true, file: String = #fileID, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line)


  • message: log message
  • logType: log type.
  • shouldLogContext: defines whether to log Context or not.
  • file: The name of the file and module in which it appears.
  • function: The name of the declaration in which it appears.
  • line: The line number on which it appears.

message is a closure in order to add the ability to create a string to log inside method's calling.

It is @autoclosure in order to simplify usage. More on Swift Docs


Creates log with provided information.


static func createLog(logType: LogType, message: @autoclosure () -> String, shouldLogContext: Bool, context: Context = Context()) -> String


  • message: log message
  • logType: log type.
  • shouldLogContext: defines whether to log Context or not.
  • file: The name of the file and module in which it appears.
  • function: The name of the declaration in which it appears.
  • line: The line number on which it appears.

This method has internal access-level in order to call it inside unit-tests.


Prints message when debug mode is active.


private static func debugPrint(_ message: String)


  • message: log message with String type to print