- 👋 Hi, I’m @iEPCBM
- 👀 I’m interested in machine learning, ANN
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Qt, JavaScript. Also I learning Assembler and machine code for my ambicious project 😛
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on projects related with ANN, music, computer vision and automation
- 📫 How to reach me: e-mail - iepcbm@yandex.ru
- smarteka https://iepcbm.github.io/smarteka-frontend-prod/ (collective)
- AUReady https://iepcbm.github.io/AUReady/?museum_t=НАЗВАНИЕ_МУЗЕЯ (with hackathon collective)
- Web screen capture service https://iepcbm.github.io/WSR/ (5 stars 🤩)
- Venn-diagram builder https://iepcbm.github.io/Venn-diagram/
- Vigenere cipher https://iepcbm.github.io/Vigenere-cipher
- Angle between line and plane calculator https://iepcbm.github.io/Angle-between-line-and-plane/
- JavaScript x86 Assembler for Intel 8086 processor https://iepcbm.github.io/JS-ASM/
- Snake game https://iepcbm.github.io/Snake-game