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iNZightVIT Installer for Linux Systems

An installer for iNZightVIT for use on Debian based systems (this includes Ubuntu and its various flavours, such as Linux Mint). Once installed, you will be able to run inzight or vit to launch each of iNZight or VIT respectively.

Quick Start

  • clone* this repository to your desired location, and cd to it
git clone iNZightVIT
cd iNZightVIT
  • make sure you have installed the dependencies listed below

  • make will attempt to install the necessary R packages, allowing you to run:

cd path/to/iNZightVIT
./inzight   # to start iNZight
./vit       # to start VIT
./update    # to update
  • optional: make install will create a symlink to /usr/local/bin so you can run inzight or vit (might require sudo)

* if you don’t have git installed, then you can either install it (recommended, apt-get install git) or you can download a ZIP copy of the repository.

curl -fsSL -o
unzip && rm && mv iNZightVIT-linux-master iNZightVIT


The following dependency table lists the (known) distros and versions of Linux that can run iNZightVIT. If you have successfully installed iNZightVIT on a distro not listed here, please submit a PR to add the build to the builds directory.

These builds are tested once a month, and the current version of R supported by that distros package manager is shown. If you are insalling a different version of R, you may need to adjust the dependencies accordingly.

# table of dependencies

To Do

  • Use a configure script to allow specification of script names (e.g., start_inzight instead of inzight) etc.
  • Add make script to create Desktop icons on Ubuntu
  • Check for dependencies before attempting install