This repository contains the code and the dockerfile for building the image and container responsible for the Field of Science classification of scientific publications. SciNoBo FoS is a novel classification system of publications to predefined Field of Science (FoS) taxonomies, leveraging the structural properties of a publication (citations, references) organized in a multilayer network. It offers a dynamically constructed FoS taxonomy, which can help identify research trends of interest.
The classifier works with a dynamic hierarchical taxonomy. The taxonomy has 6 Levels (L1-L6). We classify each publications to Fields of Science labels from these labels. The levels from L1-L3 are static and stem from the OECD and ScienceMetrix taxonomy. The rest of the levels are algorithmically constructed utilizing publication-to-publications and venue-to-venue citation graph as well as clustering and topic modelling algorithms. To view all the FoS labels, please visit: OpenAIRE FoS. A snapshot of the taxonomy is visible below:
- SCINOBO: a novel system classifying scholarly communication in a dynamically constructed hierarchical Field-of-Science taxonomy
- SciNoBo: A Hierarchical Multi-Label Classifier of Scientific Publications
Use the following command to create a docker image. The flag -t specifies the name of the image that will be created with an optional tag (for example its version).
docker build --tag scinobo-fos:latest .
- The name of the image in this case is scinobo-fos:latest.
- The location of the Dockerfile is the current directory.
docker run --rm --gpus all --name scinobo-fos-api -p 1997:1997 scinobo-fos uvicorn fos.server.api:app --host --port 1997
- NOTE: scinobo-fos-api is the name of the container
- NOTE: the docker is exposing only the port 1997
To run a container with the bulk inference, the following command is needed:
docker run <--rm> --gpus all -i <--name CONTAINER-NAME> -v path/to/input/local/data:/input_files -v path/to/output/local/data:/output_files IMAGE-NAME python -m fos.pipeline.inference <args>
- --rm: remove the container when execution ends. (optional)
- -i: set interactive mode. (optional)
- --name: a name for the container. (optional)
- v: volume binding. It maps a local directory to a directory inside the container so that local files can be accessed from it. The format is: /absolute/path/to/local/dir:/absolute/path/to/container/dir. You need to also specify a local directory where the docker will save the output
Reminder: If you want to test the docker, you need to use the following path as an input path --> -v path/to/input_files
- If you want to connect to the docker -->
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
- If you want to see the logs of the docker -->
docker logs <container_name>
- Copy the results of the docker to the host destination folder -->
docker cp <container_name>: ./output_test_files ./