For my grade 12 computer science final, a friend and I created a chess game using Java's built-in GUI called "Java Swing", just thought I would upload it to GitHub if anyone would like to check it out!
The multiplayer version of our chess game is currently fully functional with unique piece movements, like pawn promotions, castling, and en passant. Furthermore, the game also has built-in check/checkmate detection and can even tell if a certain position is considered to be a stalemate.
All of the core Java files that are used for this program are located in [Java-Chess/Java Chess Final/src/com/company/]
If you find any bugs within the code, which allow you to break any of the rules of chess, please let us know and we will fix them asap :)
^ Above is a screenshot of the gameplay in Java Chess ^
^ Above is a screenshot of the main menu ^
^ Above is a sample of the instructions UI ^
- Github:
- Replit:
- Youtube:
- Joshua Dierickse joshua.dierickse@gmailcom
- Son Le
© Joshua Dierickse & Son Le, Waterloo Collegiate Institute