- Java 11
- ArangoDB running on localhost
- Make sure to set up Project Lombok support in your IDE
- Import the main maven project (pom.xml in the root directory)
- Your IDE should automatically import subprojects or prompt you to
Prerequisite: A Maven installation that knows where to find the Java 11 JDK
To build just the application:
$ mvn verify
To also build the combined javadoc:
$ mvn verify javadoc:javadoc javadoc:aggregate
During a maven build, tests will be run. If an ArangoDB is running on localhost, additional tests will be run that test the database interaction classes. To skip this, use:
$ mvn verify -DskipTests=true
To run the application, use:
$ mvn verify # skip if you've already built the application
$ cd saes-ui-backend
$ cd target
$ java -jar saes-ui-backend-1.0.0.jar
Then, open in your browser.
For an example knowledge base, you can use the included file saes-example-kb/example-kb-minimal.zip
For an example model, this file is recommended.
You can find the Javadoc documentation at: https://iaas-splab.github.io/saes-prototype/
This file is part of the Serverless Application Extraction System (SAES)
The Serverless Application Extraction System is licensed under under
the Apache License, Version 2.0. Please see the included COPYING file
for license information.