SoLong is a 2D game developed as part of the 42 school. The game was built using the MLX 42 library, and it features both mandatory and bonus parts. The objective is to navigate a character through a map, collecting items and avoiding obstacles.
This repository contains:
- Mandatory part: The core functionality of the game.
- Bonus part: Extra features such as enemies, more complex game mechanics, and improved visuals.
- MLX 42 Library: The project uses the mlx42 library for graphical rendering. You will need to compile and install it before running the game.
- C Compiler:
(or another C compiler) to compile the source code.
Before compiling the game, you must compile the mlx42 library. Navigate to the mlx
directory and run the following command:
cd mlx
This will build the mlx42 library. Once completed, return to the root of the repository:
cd ..
You can compile either the mandatory or bonus version of the game.
- To compile the mandatory version:
- To compile the bonus version (with additional features such as enemies):
make bonus
To remove all object files and executables:
make clean
To remove all files (including executables and object files):
make fclean
To remove all files and recompile everything from scratch:
make re
After compiling, you can run the game by executing the following command:
- For the mandatory version:
./so_long maps/valid/map2.ber
- For the bonus version:
./so_long_bonus maps/valid/bonus/map1.ber
The game can be controlled using the following keys:
- Arrow Keys: Move the character.
- WADS: Move the character.
- Esc: Exit the game.
├── mlx/ # MLX 42 library
├── mandatory/ # Mandatory part of the project
│ ├── src/ # Game logic source code
│ └── include/ # Header files
├── bonus/ # Bonus part of the project
│ ├── src/ # Bonus features source code
│ └── include/ # Bonus header files
├── Makefile # Makefile for compiling the project
└── # This file
- mandatory/src/main.c: Entry point of the game.
- mandatory/src/graphic/render.c: Handles rendering of the game graphics.
- bonus/src/graphic/enemy/ft_enemy_ia_bonus.c: Enemy AI for the bonus version.