- Stunts mod for Battlefield 3: Venice Unleashed
- https://github.com/MajorVictory/VU-MajorsMod
- Full merge from light and the hardcore pixelmod
- added also the extended gunmaster kill mod (no more borring 2 kills for each weapon)
- tweaked the reconmod config stuff a bit.
Main config file where where the magic begins
Enabled = true (default) set the mod active.
Content for ByFileName =
Gadgets: 3 config files, only ONE can be active !,
LandVehicles: 2 config files, only ONE can be active !,
PlayerMovement: 3 type config files, default is true
RadarSweepData: 2 type config files, default is true
AirVehicles: 2 type config files and 2 useable config files, only ONE can be active !,
Change only at own risc.
Assault: 3 type config files, default is true
3 type config files, only ONE can be active !
Engineer: Ammo tweak and recoil tweak
PDWs: Ammo tweak and recoil tweak
Pistols: Ammo tweak and recoil tweak
Snipers: Ammo tweak, recoil tweak, Bullet tweak and zoomedscope movement tweak
Support: Ammo tweak and recoil tweak
Shotguns: Ammo tweak and recoil tweak
Content for ByName = {
On default everything is enabled, but can be turned off/on for each weapon/item
Recomended is not to changed this.
Able to enable or disable message spam and mod check if there is a newer version (default true on all)
Default true on all
only set true/false on mmPlayers1/2 of you want to see the messages
reconmod = true (default), enables the mod.
Current setup
Assault: Adds a 2nd medkit on 2nd slot,now you can use M320 stuff on the same time !
Engineer: Adds the Javelin on the 2nd slot, now you can use javelin with stinger/igla/rpg on the same time !
Support: Adds claymore on 1st slot,now you can use claymore AND C4 on the same time.
Recon: Adds C4 and Claymores on the 2nd slot (as in BF4) and use them as sniper bruh..
Do not tweak these 2 files, only when u know what you where doing !
true or false to enable/disable the extended kill zones on gunmaster maps
Currently u need to make 5 kills (default is 2) to advance to the next weapon.
Adjust 1 file, and copy the content to the other lua file (or not)