🌟 My journey into coding began with C programming, where I built a strong foundation in problem-solving and logical thinking. From there, I transitioned to C++, a language that felt intuitive and powerful. Through C++, I mastered Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and delved into Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), enhancing my problem-solving skills by tackling challenges on Beecrowd.
Next, I ventured into full-stack development, focusing on the MERN stack (React, MongoDB, Express, Node.js). This opened the door to creating dynamic, scalable web applications. Along the way, I expanded my expertise by learning Java, applying OOP principles to build projects, and sharpening my competitive programming skills on Codeforces.
Currently, I’m exploring Python and I am confident in working with SQL for database management. My journey reflects my passion for continuous learning and adapting to new technologies to solve real-world problems.
Happy Coding
🌱 I’m currently learning Python
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on React Projects (MERN / FULL-STACK)
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/iamafridi
📝 I regularly write articles on https://iamafridi.medium.com/
💬 Ask me about React, MongoDB,Express.Js,Node.Js & JavaScript