We as a team have worked on the theme Customer Trust to increase the trust of the customer on the Amazon brand.
For this we have worked on 3 Major Ideas that can increase this trust. This involves identifying and removing counterfeit products off the shelf, ensuring high value items are not swapped along the way, enabling checkpoints that goods are not damaged enroute.
- Resolving Counterfeit Issue
- Resolving Enroute Damage
- Resolving Enroute swaps
For More Details regarding Idea and Implementation Refer to this ppt cool_as_code
For demo video of our proposal click here Youtube
- Create a folder in your Desktop
- Open GitBash or Terminal
git clone git@github.com:iamakhileshmishra/amazon-hackon.git
We suggest you to clone it using SSH rather than the url as it is a large project and cloning from https: link may lead to issues.
- Web-app
- Machine-Learning-Damaged-Box-Classifier
The Web-app folder contains the Amazon Like Shopping Website where we have resolved the Counterfiet Issue and Enroute Swap issue.
The ML folder is for the Enroute Damage Identiication.
For Web-app Refer to the Web-app Readme
For Machine Learning Part Refer to the Machine-Learning-Damaged-Box-Classifier Readme