This is a simple bot that runs on Heroku and searches for books on Goodreads.
Mine is running at
Send this to the bot in PM or in a group where the bot is added.
/book <search term>
npm install
Install Heroku cli
heroku login
and login -
To run locally, create a file
and put these in it -GOODREADS_KEY=<key> GOODREADS_TOKEN=<token> TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<bot:token>
Then run
heroku local web
To run on heroku server, follow heroku tutorial to connect the forked repo with your heroku account
Then set the secret config -
heroku config:set GOODREADS_KEY=<key> -a <app-name> heroku config:set GOODREADS_TOKEN=<token> -a <app-name> heroku config:set TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<bot:token> -a <app-name>
Then deploy on heroku using your preferred method.