This repository will feature popular ML algorithms written from scratch
The libraries used for this repository are:
- Numpy - for scientific and vector computation in python
- os - for manipulating directory paths
- matplotlib - to plot data
- pandas - to read and manipulate.csv files
- mpl_toolkits.mplot3d - to plot 3d plots
- csv - to write into csv file
It contains the following algorithms:
- Linear Regression (completed)
- Logistic Regression (completed)
- Backpropagation (completed)
- K-means Algorithm (to be done)
Analysis_of_appleStore.ipynb : Analysis of data from apple_Store.csv using the above libraries.
LinearRegression.ipynb : uses the data from 'Summary of weather.csv" and predicts the maximum temperature given the minimum temperature or vice-versa using Linear Regression.
LogisticRegressioin.ipynb : uses the data from 'adevertising.csv' and predicts whether a user will click on an add or not using logistic regression with accuracy 95.75%
Backpropagation.ipynb : uses data from 'test.csv' and predicts the label for image using one vs all classification
Apple_Store.csv : contains data of ios app (but unfortunately it doesn't include no. of downloads, so I won't be using this dataset any further)
Advertising.csv : contains data such as no of hours spent on website, daily internet usage, area income, whether the user clicks on add or not
Summary of Weather.csv : contains data like "maximum temperature, minimum temperature etc. "
test.csv : contains data about image pixel (cv problem)
I have included required comments so that a newbie in python having basic programming knowledge can understand