I'm Kirill Matveev, a Frontend developer, mainly working with React and TypeScript.
My profile contains two small projects on React, which I created as a test task for interviews:
- Reading Club is an application using React, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, SCSS and CSS Modules. Implemented requests to the JSON Server and display of the list of club members in the interface. I also created an admin authorization form (it only checks whether the inputs are filled in), after authorization the features of deleting and editing club member cards become available.
- Todo List is a simple React application using React, JavaScript, Redux Toolkit, SCSS and CSS Modules. Here I have implemented a classic set of СRUD features, also data is synchronized with Local Storage.
I am currently studying the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js) stack and writing a full-stack application. I hope to be able to make it publicly available soon. ⚡
Open to communication and any kind of cooperation: Facebook, LinkedIn :)