Releases: iamdudeman/sola-json
Releases · iamdudeman/sola-json
3.0.0 - improved JsonObject and JsonArray apis
What's Changed
- Cleanup/readme updates by @iamdudeman in #11
- Feature/json object merge by @iamdudeman in #12
- Cleanup/json array api by @iamdudeman in #13
- Cleanup/json object api by @iamdudeman in #14
- bumped version for release and updated junit version by @iamdudeman in #15
Full Changelog: 2.1.3...3.0.0
2.1.3 - modularization
2.1.2 - Javadoc updates and artifact creation
2.1.1 - Switch to Java 17
Switching to Java 17 since it is LTS (#8)
2.1.0 Serialization improvements and convenience methods
What's Changed
- Improved serialization performance
- Builder classes for objects and arrays added
- JsonElement is now consistent in its type if null is used for any of its constructors
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0
Pretty serialization of JsonElements
- Added toString(int spaces) methods to JsonElement, JsonObject and JsonArray classes that serializes them with indentation.
- Improved JavaDocs a bit
What's Changed
- Feature/pretty print by @iamdudeman in #6
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1
Java 18 + Error Handling
- Updated to Java 18
- Improved error handling to show why and where parsing errors happen
1.0.2 - Bug fixes
Fixed issue when serializing a JsonElement that contained an escaped …
1.0.1 - Bug fixes
Feature/1.0.1 (#3) * Added tests for JsonObject and fixed a couple bugs that the tests found. * Added tests for JsonArray. Improved error messaging for when JsonElement type is not of desired type. * Small helpers added to JsonArray and JsonObject to convert to JsonElement. * Added JsonMapper interface with some default methods implemented for converting between JsonObject or JsonArray into java objects * SolaJson now has several methods that utilize new JsonMapper. Fixed another bug in JsonElement.
1.0.0 - Initial release
gradlew is now executable