This is an example of using Boto3, AWS API for python, for creating S3(Simple Storage Service) bucket(s) as well as uploading/downloading/deleting files from bucket(s).
The main file is the and I have done the following steps.
###Note: I haven't set up the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key in this example. Please follow this link for a quickstart.
Resource and client are created once during the construction of class and will be available throughout the program lifecycle.
def __init__(self):
self.s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
self.client = boto3.client('s3')
List all the buckets of a given region. Return the list of bucket names.
Create buckets of same name in different regions. You can repeat the bucket creation using the last param 'repeat'. Return None if successful, otherwise error.
create_buckets(bucket_name=None, regions=[], repeat=1)
Upload a file of name 'filename' in the bucket named 'bucket' and set the key for the server file as 'key'. Return the key . Key for success, False otherwise.
upload_file(filename, bucket, key)
Download a file from bucket 'bucket' using the key 'key' and save it as 'filename'(Can be in the working directory or in any valid directory). Returns True if successful, otherwise False.
download_file(bucket, key, filename)
Delete the file having key 'key' from the bucket named 'bucket'. Returns True if successful, otherwise False.
delete_file(bucket, key)
Custom Benchmarking for calculating Upload and Download latency of different server regions for files of different size. Generates 2(two) graphs; one for Upload latency plotting and the other for Download latency plotting.