- Supports from Android 6.0 (SDK 23 MM)
- Add, remove and edit task
- Copy or share task text
- Quick tweet
- Pin tasks to notification area
- Control task from notification panel
- Multiple customization option
- Reset configurations
- See TODO section
As per version 7 (24072022). Click on the image to enlarge it.
Currently, you can download the app either from Github releases or from IzzyOnDroid. The Github release version was built using Github's workflow, then I manually published the apk file as a release.
You can also download the latest workflow build by Github. To do that, head over to the Actions tab and then select the latest run from there. You must be signed in to Github to download any build from there.
There's another option to get this app- fork and build it. This project is very simple and pure, it doesn't need any additional setup. Just open it in Android Studio.
- Known issues:
- Tasks showing in random order
- Hides notification texts after tapping on it (while showing multiple notification)
- More unknown bugs
- Features:
- Alarm (!)
- Complete redesign with MD3
- Migration to Kotlin
If you want to contribute to this project, I would suggest you to start from the TODO list first. Then you can do whatever comes up to your mind.
Project: As you can see, this is a fork of this same titled project, which was abandoned back in 2015. I found this app on F-droid, used it and then decided to modify it to fulfill my needs. But then I thought, why not share it with others?
SVG Icons: All the svg icons (including launcher icon) were collected from SVG Repo. Then I edited some icons according to the needs using Method Draw Vector Editor.
The MIT License (MIT)
And you know the rest.