Give this repository a 💫 to support the project.
Posting Issues with a failure to properly read and follow the things listed below first, will result in a temporary ban from the repository, WITHOUT WARNING!
- Setup Instructions
- User Manual
- Troubleshoot Sections
- Issue Rules
AhMyth is currently in the process of a complete migration from electron to tauri as well as a complete rebuild!
Please keep using this repository until further notice, updates to this repository will also still continue to happen until the migration and rebuild has finished, so dont stress, AhMyth isn't going anywhere.
If you make YT Videos with this updated repository, then I want credit given to AhMyth's creator (Ahmed Al Hajri) and its maintainer which is me!
Use the Table of Contents below to quick skip to any part of this README such as installation, troubleshoot, etc.
Build a standalone APK Payload or use an original APK as a Payload Template.
Install the APK Payload on the Victim Android Device.
Take Control of the Victim Android Device by using the Victim's Lab.
You can install AhMyth by using either the Source code, or by using the Binary files.
Instructions for installing AhMyth using either the Source Code or the Binary Files, can be found in the following Setup Wiki Pages.
- AhMyth Wiki: Page 1 - Source Code Setup: Linux
- AhMyth Wiki: Page 2 - Source Code Setup: macOS
- AhMyth Wiki: Page 3 - Source Code Setup: Windows
- AhMyth Wiki: Page 4 - Binary Setup: Linux
- AhMyth Wiki: Page 5 - Binary Setup: macOS (Being Written)
- AhMyth Wiki: Page 6 - Binary Setup: Windows
A full User Manual for new users of AhMyth can be found in the following Wiki pages.
A full Troubleshoot page detailing known errors when running AhMyth using either the Source Code or the Binary Files, can be found in the AhMyth Wiki.
You can find the Troubleshoot Sections for both Source Code Usage errors and Binary Usage errors, in the following AhMyth Wiki page.
Any issues with AhMyth, must be posted using the Issue Templates accordingly.
The following list will help users determine which Issue Template is suitable for their problem.
Use this issue Template if you experience the following problems;
- Building & Signing Errors with Standalone APK payloads (Not Binding)
- Unstable Victim's Lab Features
- User Interface Problems
- IP & PORT configuration problems
Use this Issue Template if you experience any of the following issues
- Unstable Victim's Connections
- Applications Crashing after Binding
- Victims connections dont return despite successful binding & installation as well as proper IP & PORT configuration
Use this Issue Template when you are greeted with any errors when using the Binding Features.
Use this Template if you wish to request an upgrade that hasnt already been integrated.
If you experience errors that arent related to any of the Issue Templates, or if you cant seem to fix your problem using the Troubleshoot Manual, then please start a Blank Issue and post it with enough valid information about the problem.
We work hard here to keep the Issues Section as clean and as understanding as possible, so please help us to do that by using the Issue Templates or by providing non-template Issues with decent information.
Duplicate Issues will also be removed without question if I can see that the user was to lazy to check the closed issues.
For those looking to study this unique RAT, you can find all the information you'll need to know about AhMyth and it's payload in the following AhMyth Wiki sections;
Created by:
Maintained with ❤️ by:
Special Thanks to:
- vUdav - For providing the fix for the APK Browser dialog in an issue on the Legacy Repository for AhMyth here, which was released with v1.0-beta.2.
- YagamiLight17 - For his brilliant contributions towards upgrading the Server & for integrating the original Customs Permissions feature.
- HiddenPirates - For his brilliant amount of work on upgrading the Client.