ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.5.0 and v4.5.1
- IBX-5606: Removed duplicated GraphQL request in the Subitems module (#765)
- IBX-3528: Fixed collapse toggler rotation (#756)
- IBX-5640: Added available translations to dashboard data (#2099)
- IBX-1786: [Content type translations] Notification for edited content type in incorrectly displayed (#2100)
- IBX-5472: Missing translation for search.date.range (#2097)
- IBX-5717: Content type filter values in UDW have minor CSS issues (#790)
- IBX-5737: Scroll in extra actions is in wrong place (#789)
- IBX-5727: [Create a user] Toggle enabled button is not activated for newly created user when space button on the keyboard is used (#787)
- IBX-5758: [Trash] Custom range and its from date - to input does not contains properly formatted input style (#2103)
- IBX-4674: Unnecessary wrap on text in checkbox on field - opened accordion (#791)
- IBX-5620: Fixed validation in change password (#772)
- IBX-5789: Fixed broken checkbox display when language is set to french (#800)
- IBX-5688: Fixed flatpicker wrong convert on init (#792)
- IBX-5778: Fixed misplaced Content Type translation dropdown (#798)
- IBX-5455: Checkboxes are not aligned with other data in Languages & Currencies tabs (#777)
- IBX-5429: Fixed empty spaces when creating classes (#782)
- IBX-5672: Performance Improvement of IconPathResolver::resolve()
- IBX-5879: Fixed startingLocationId and rootLocationId in UDW (#808)
- IBX-5784: CkEditor toolbar overflow fix (#807)
- IBX-5181 fix ui texts position (#723)
- IBX-4233: Form Inputs - space between fields (#796)
- IBX-5945: Fix Trash's pagination (#809)
- IBX-5411: Fixed form exception due to incomplete field definition
- IBX-5663: Paginated role assignments to improve performance in the Roles module (#2102)
- IBX-5934: added icon 'business-deal-cash' (#816)
- IBX-6003: Fixed tab rendering after changing page in the Assignments tab in the Roles module (#821)
- IBX-4676: Update label for button 'Discard changes' [edit content type] (#813)
- IBX-5999: Tag styles updated (#822)
- IBX-5981: Fixed mutation observer in content create validation (#828)
- IBX-5744: [Tags] Incorrect Root tag name on create a new tag form (#827)
- IBX-5869: Search results table view for many translations (#820)
- IBX-5863: Adjust reschedule modal for long labels in buttons (#829)
- IBX-5784, IBX-5743: CkEditor toolbar overflow (#815)
- IBX-1133: An exception occurred while searching for available contents in back office (#2105)