This scenario considers the provisioning of a sample Windows based instance, accessing it over a public routable IP using remote desktop protocol
Function | Result | Notes |
VPC | ✅ | |
Floating IPv4 | ✅ | |
Subnet & BYO Private IP | ✅ | |
Dedicated VSI support | ✅ | |
Multiple Network Interfaces in VSI | ✅ | |
Windows VSI support | ✅ | |
Security groups | ✅ | |
Multiple Network Interfaces in VSI | ✅ |
To deploy this scenario using CLI follow instructions in this page, otherwise, click the links below to deploy this scenario using a different methodology.
- Install the IBM Cloud CLI
- Have access to a public SSH key.
- Install the vpc-infrastructure plugin.
$ ibmcloud plugin install vpc-infrastructure
For a federated account use single sign on:
$ ibmcloud login -sso
Otherwise use the default login:
$ ibmcloud login
If you have an API Key, use --apikey:
$ ibmcloud login --apikey [your API Key]
ibmcloud is vpc-create WEB-DEMO --default
###### Parameters: Name, default
Creating vpc WEB-DEMO in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
ID a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a
Default yes
Default Network ACL allow-all-network-acl-a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a(6d1b4afd-1ea6-41ec-8538-7c867e78c7c1)
Default Security Group -
Resource Group (e1d6e82017384baba3ecfb33f3f6a12c)
Created 5 seconds ago
Status available
ibmcloud is subnet-create WEB a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a us-south-1 --ipv4-cidr-block
###### Parameters: Name, VPC-ID, Region, IPV4-block
Creating Subnet WEB in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
ID 5f09dce3-72fd-469e-a110-648fcc23cd9f
Name WEB
IPv* ipv4
Addr available 251
Addr Total 256
ACL allow-all-network-acl-a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a(6d1b4afd-1ea6-41ec-8538-7c867e78c7c1)
Gateway -
Created 2 seconds ago
Status pending
Zone us-south-1
VPC WEB-DEMO(a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a)
Resource Group -
An SSH key is required when creating a VPC instance. Copy the ssh public key you wish to use to and call the key-create command to load it to the VPC environment. Remember the key id for later use.
$ ibmcloud is key-create vpc1-key
Creating key vpc1-key under account Phillip Trent's Account as user
ID 636f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000014087d
Name vpc1-key
Type rsa
Length 2048
FingerPrint SHA256:sAu2DF1zXNJQ99XghxZo7DXFXpPFO3PwWjY5a03VIPI
Key ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1BBBBBByc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCnbhYSnc8DGQF3A3MR3zLynU4FF8UVVBjnctc3RTeNmWoRny4AJLpI06G9dlmC15QBzDMrNfy0srZnh/YMFlHcN5C73VbLdUJMj0QOqxYSPZgvKKKKrKlBn1WDjigOseO2/NmKIgk3d7lz/iEtkCNlNjNcRPWs3pPkh0NPxIMqsIwvxeWTVsv0OFktKAUA1uXvSFjx4JJRw7hy6tvgJVScbP2Mc2539pxGxiSAMNcqmHFWCQJhwIL2yHJiIcbZ33BDC1BbGg8XReCv0ZVmfXgSs+zuhJb9hDoVCElVDbzXaKs64zMREpy1NUzYQk4o9iahwLXp8gI8qOCzBx
Created 1 second ago
ibmcloud is instance-create WEB01 a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a us-south-1 b-4x16 5f09dce3-72fd-469e-a110-648fcc23cd9f 1000 --image-id cc8debe0-1b30-6e37-2e13-744bfb2a0c11 --key-ids 636f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000014087d
Creating instance WEB01 in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
###### Parameters: Name, VPC-ID, Region, Flavor, subnet, Network Speed, image-id, key-id
ID 6e792d46-8c90-4288-89ac-4447ad46b2ef
Name WEB01
Profile b-4x16
CPU Arch amd64
CPU Cores 4
CPU Frequency 2000
Memory 16
Primary Intf primary(8ba85a22-9f03-4291-8d6a-cddf03de181b)
Primary Address
Image centos-7.x-amd64(cc8debe0-1b30-6e37-2e13-744bfb2a0c11)
Status pending
Created 9 seconds ago
VPC WEB-DEMO(a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a)
Zone us-south-1
Resource Group -
macbook-pro:bin earias
ibmcloud is floating-ip-reserve WEB01-eth0 --zone us-south-1
Creating floating IP WEB01-eth0 in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
###### Parameters: Name, region
ID e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a
Name WEB01-eth0
Target -
Target Type -
Target IP
Created now
Status pending
Zone us-south-1
Resource Group -
Tags -
ibmcloud is instance-network-interface-floating-ip-add 6e792d46-8c90-4288-89ac-4447ad46b2ef 8ba85a22-9f03-4291-8d6a-cddf03de181b e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a
Creating floatingip e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a for instance 6e792d46-8c90-4288-89ac-4447ad46b2ef under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
###### Parameters: Instance-id, Instance-interface-id, floating-ip-id
ID e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a
Name WEB01-eth0
Target primary(8ba85a22-.)
Target Type intf
Target IP
Created 9 minutes ago
Status available
Zone us-south-1
Resource Group -
Tags -
ibmcloud is vpc a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a
Getting vpc a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
#### Parameters: VPC-id
ID a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a
Default yes
Default Network ACL allow-all-network-acl-a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a(6d1b4afd-1ea6-41ec-8538-7c867e78c7c1)
Default Security Group vertigo-underpaid-expire-remarry-pupil-unsaved(2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485)
Resource Group (e1d6e82017384baba3ecfb33f3f6a12c)
Created 2 days ago
Status available
ibmcloud is security-group-rules 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485
Listing rules of security group 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485 under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
ID Direction IPv* Protocol Remote
b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002259937 inbound ipv4 tcp Ports:Min=3389,Max=3389
b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002251885 inbound ipv4 all vertigo-underpaid-expire-remarry-pupil-unsaved(2d364f0a-.)
b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002251797 outbound ipv4 all
In case that the port is not open, use the following example to open the necessary port:
ibmcloud is security-group-rule-add 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485 inbound tcp --port-max 23 --port-min 23 --ip-version ipv4
Creating rule for security group 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485 under account IBM - Mac's Org as user
#### Parameters: security-group-id, DIRECTION PROTOCOL, Max destination port, Min destination port, IP version
ID b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002275001
Direction inbound
IPv* ipv4
Protocol tcp
Min Destination Port 23
Max Destination Port 23
Remote -
9. Connect to the instance using Remote Desktop protocol using the floating IP as target. To properly connect the
- Get encrypted password from UI and saved to a file
- decode it using:
cat UI_PASSWORD_FILE | base64 --decode > decoded_base64_password_file
Decrypt it using the SSH key used to create the instance:
openssl pkeyutl -in decoded_base64_password_file -decrypt -inkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256 -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256 > finalpass
cat finalpass
VPC documentation