Welcome to RecycleHub, the platform designed to promote sustainable waste management by connecting individuals with certified collectors. Join us in transforming waste into value!
Efficient and sustainable waste management remains a significant challenge. Many individuals lack a simple system to recycle their waste effectively while gaining tangible rewards.
RecycleHub provides a user-friendly platform where individuals can:
Request waste collection services from certified collectors.
Earn reward points based on waste types and weights.
Redeem points for vouchers.
- User Roles: Particulars and Collectors.
- Collection Management: Request and track waste collections.
- Material Classification: Plastic, Glass, Paper, and Metal.
- Photo Uploads: Include photos for collections.
- Point System: Reward points per kilogram.
- City-based Filtering: Collectors only see requests from their cities.
- Authentication: Secure registration and login.
- State Management: NgRx for collections.
Frontend: Angular 17
State Management: NgRx
Database: IndexedDB via Dexie.js
Styling: Tailwind CSS