Suggest Allows to get name suggestions by prefix using option: query and count (suggestion list max size - 10 by default)
Parse Allows to get name tokens by abstract text string using option: query
- Moved Python Prefix Trie to separate pypi repo: https://pypi.org/project/prefix-tree/
- Python Prefix Trie inherited from https://github.com/ice1x/Python-Prefix-Tree
- Integrated with FastAPI
- Added deployment to Heroku
- Added test coverage
- Fixed problem with Cyrillic UTF-8 text (affected Safari OSX/iOS)
- Added Parse API method
- Since Heroku discontinued free accounts - added Dockerfile to run service locally
- Only russian names supported
- Suggestions and parsing based of name list so if the name is absent in list it will not be parsed and suggested
docker build . # get image_id
docker run -p 80:80 -d <image_id>