###1. Setup This project uses docker and docker-compose. So you have to install it first. Installation instruction for Ubuntu can be found here and here.
###2. Build and prepare
//clone the project
git clone git@bitbucket.org:icexch/icex.media-back.git
cd icex.media-back
//install dependencies via composer
docker-compose run --rm composer composer install
//copy and modify .env file according to your needs
cp .env.example .env
//run project specific commands
docker-compose run --rm cli php artisan key:generate --no-interaction
docker-compose run --rm cli php artisan migrate --seed --no-interaction
//run it for local env only
docker-compose run --rm cli php artisan ide-helper:generate --no-interaction
docker-compose run --rm cli php artisan ide-helper:meta --no-interaction
###3. Run
To run all containers you need just run docker-compose up -d
It will build and link all required containers automatically.
###4. Run php commands To run any php commands just run it in container:
docker-compose run --rm cli php <command>
###5. Gather dictionary commands Obtain vk access_key with ads permissions here
docker-compose run --rm cli php artisan gather:regions --no-interaction
docker-compose run --rm cli php artisan gather:categories --no-interaction