- 🔭 multimodal object detection in remote sensing
- 🌱 Xi'dian university
- 📫 How to reach me: jqzhang_2@stu.xidian.edu.cn
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- DiffCLIP:DiffCLIP: Few-shot Language-driven Multimodal Classifier (AAAI2025)
- E2E-MFD E2E-MFD-HOD:E2E-MFD: Towards End-to-End Synchronous Multimodal Fusion Detection (NeurlPS 2024 oral)
- DIAnet:Distribution-aware Interactive Attention Network and Large-scale Cloud Recognition Benchmark on FY-4A Satellite Image (TGRS2024)
- SuperYOLO:SuperYOLO: Super Resolution Assisted Object Detection in Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery (TGRS2023, ESI Highly Cited Paper and Hot Paper (TOP 0.1%))
- GHOST:Guided Hybrid Quantization for Object Detection in Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery via One-to-one Self-teaching (TGRS2023)
- MIViT:Multimodal Informative ViT: Information Aggregation and Distribution for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification (TCSVT2024)
- SSL-SSTD:Self-spectral learning with GAN based spectral--spatial target detection for hyperspectral image (NN2021)
- DiffCLIP:DiffCLIP: Few-shot Language-driven Multimodal Classifier (AAAI2025)