You can test and explore IBM Business Automation Insights by using the provided script and sample data. This script is designed only for IBM Business Automation Insights 23.0.1 or later.
To run the script that imports data, you need the following tools.
envsubst - The envsubst tool is available from this page:
jq - The jq tool is available from this page:
You install jq on MacOS, on Linux, or on Windows Cygwin by running curl commands.- On MacOS:
curl -L -o jq chmod +x jq sudo mv jq /usr/local/bin
- On Linux:
curl -L -o jq chmod +x jq sudo mv jq /usr/local/bin
- On Windows Cygwin:
curl -L -o jq.exe chmod +x jq.exe mv jq /usr/local/bin
The script imports data sets directly into Opensearch: for BPMN processes or Operational Decision Manager decisions. At each import, the data is dated by default at the current date minus 1 day. You can adjust the time span later in the dashboard.
To use the import script, you must have access to Opensearch.
Log in to the OpenShift namespace where the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation platform is deployed.
Retrieve the Opensearch URL. Enter the namespace
oc get route opensearch-route -n ${NAMESPACE} -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}'
- Retrieve the name of the Opensearch secret containing the username and password.
- Retrieve the Opensearch username.
- Retrieve the Opensearch password.
oc extract secret/${OPENSEARCH_SECRET} --keys=elastic --to=-
Important Make sure that the path of the target installation directory contains no spaces.
Clone or download the GitHub project from, and then decompress it.
Run the
script with the following options:
./bin/bai-import-index -u <Opensearch_username> -p <Opensearch_password> -k https://<Opensearch_URL> -c <periodic_odm | bpmn>
When the import completes, you can create visualizations from the imported data by using Kibana and Business Performance Center.
Operational Decision Manager data appears as Decisions dashboards.
BPMN data appears as Workflow - Hiring Sample, Workflow - Process Tasks, and Workflow - Processes dashboards.
Note: To make sure that, in any dashboard, you see all the data you are interested in, adjust the date filter up to the latest 2 days.
This command imports data from a IBM Business Automation Workflow BPMN data source.
./bin/bai-import-index -u <Opensearch_username> -p <Opensearch_password> -k https://<Opensearch_URL> -c bpmn
This command imports data from an Operational Decision Manager data source.
./bin/bai-import-index -u <Opensearch_username> -p <Opensearch_password> -k https://<Opensearch_URL> -c periodic_odm