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Plugins in RAVEN are an option to associate a workflow or set of RAVEN external models to RAVEN without having them included in the RAVEN repository. Benefits include modularity, access restriction, and regression testing for compatibility with RAVEN as it continues to grow.
Table of Contents
RAVEN users commonly develop sophisticated workflows with complex physics models while doing their analyses. While RAVEN doesn't provide storage for workflows and physics, these can be associated to RAVEN by the use of plugins. Official plugins are supported through RAVEN regression testing.
- For particular information on creating new plugins and interfacing with existing plugins, compile the RAVEN plugin manual at
The following plugin repositories are officially supported by RAVEN. Some are openly available, and others are only available on the INL HPCGitlab repository.
These plugin repositories are available without restriction to RAVEN users:
module: https://github.com/idaholab/TEAL, provides economic analysis tools. -
module: https://www.github.com/idaholab/HERON, provides workflow generation and dispatching models for performing stochastic technoeconomic analysis of systems of components interconnected by the resources they produce and consume. -
module: https://github.com/idaholab/SR2ML, provides safety, risk and reliability analysis tools. -
module: https://github.com/idaholab/LOGOS, provides computational capabilities to optimize plant resources such as maintenance optimization and optimal component replacement schedule by using state-of-the-art discrete optimization methods. -
module: https://github.com/Argonne-National-Laboratory/FARM, is designed to solve the supervisory control problem in Integrated Energy System (IES) project. FARM utilizes the linear state-space representation (A,B,C matrices) of a model to predict the system state and output in the future time steps, and adjust the actuation variable to avoid the violation of implicit thermal mechanical constraints. -
module: https://github.com/idaholab/BayCal, is arming at inversely quantifying the uncertainties associated with simulation model parameters based on available experiment data. BayCal trys to resolve two critical issues existing in the Bayesian inference: 1) high-dimensional experimental data (such as time series observations at multiple locations), 2) expensive computational simulations. These issues have been studied and resolved in literature, but there is not yet a complete toolkit to resolve these issues in an efficient and automatic way. BayCal automatizes the process by coupling with RAVEN, utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to automatically construct surrogate models for the expensive computational simulations and dimensionality reduction techniques to significantly reduce the number of simulations for convergence.
Access to these plugin repositories requires an open connection to HPCGitlab; if you want to get access to these Plugins, please Contact us.
module: https://hpcgitlab.hpc.inl.gov/RAVEN_PLUGINS/SRAW.git, System Risk Analysis Workflows.
To register a plugin with RAVEN and make its components accessible, run the script
raven/scripts/install_plugins.py -s /abs/path/to/pluginName
replacing pluginName
with the path to your plugin and the name of the directory, such as /user/projects/raven/plugins/pluginName
. Use the absolute path to your new plugin to avoid any navigation problems.
If installing an officially-supported plugin that you do not plan on modifying, the following command can be run (using TEAL as the example plugin):
raven/scripts/install_plugins.py -s TEAL
Note the path was eliminated. This will initialize (or update) the official plugin in raven/plugins
with the official submoduled version.
To install all officially-supported plugins, the shortcut option -a
or --all
can be used:
raven/scripts/install_plugins.py -a
At this stage, RAVEN will import all the plugins within that directory and perform some error checking.
In case you have access to any RAVEN plugins' repository (e.g. TEAL), you can clone that repository to be functional with RAVEN (as submodule).
[~]> cd projects/raven
[~/projects/raven]> git submodule update --init **pluginName**
C:\> cd projects\raven
C:\projects\raven> git submodule update --init **pluginName**
The result of the command is as follows:
Submodule 'pluginName' (https://github.com/idaholab/pluginName.git) registered for path 'pluginName'
Cloning into '/home/USER/projects/test/raven/plugins/pluginName'...
Submodule path 'pluginName': checked out '786576deef33a317e654558f39f5f45617c7442b'
Once registered, new external models can be used in RAVEN by using the model subtype defined by your plugin name. For example, if your external model class is named "myPluginModel", you can access an external model in the RAVEN input as
<ExternalModel name='myName' subType='pluginName.pluginModel'>
RAVEN supports some official plugins on a case-by-case basis for regression testing nightly against new RAVEN developments. If you are interested in maintaining your plugin as an official RAVEN plugin, please contact us.
Some of the plugins are available via pip, including TEAL and HERON. To make a plugin support pip installation, it must be able to be run without any PYTHONPATH manipulation. (That is, imports should be like import TEAL.src.Amortization
or from . import Amortization
Also, a way to build the pip package should be provided. Here are the TEAL files:
name = teal-ravenframework
version = 0.3
description = TEAL plugin for RAVEN framework
long_description = file: TEAL/README.md
license_files = TEAL/LICENSE.txt TEAL/NOTICE.txt
url = https://github.com/idaholab/TEAL
packages =
python_requires = >=3.7
install_requires =
raven_framework >=2.2rc1,<2.3
requires = ["setuptools>=42"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
include TEAL/LICENSE.txt
include TEAL/NOTICE.txt
include TEAL/README.md
which can be used to build a TEAL package (note that the TEAL repository needs to be in a subdirectory):
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
Note that if you want to have pip install a command, something like the following can be added to the setup.cfg:
console_scripts =
heron = HERON.src.main:main
This would create a script named heron
that calls the main
function in HERON/src/main.py
Upload the distribution archives (https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
pip install --extra-index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ teal-ravenframework==0.3
python3 -m twine upload dist/*