Watches files/folders for changes.
yarn add @ideadesignmedia/watcher
Create a new watcher by instantiating the watcher class with the paths that you want to watch and a callback that is triggered whenever files/folders being watched are changed.
const Watcher = require('@ideadesignmedia/watcher')
const filesPaths = [process.cwd()]
const fileCallback = (type, file, isRename) => {
Types: ['addFile', 'addDir', 'changeFile', 'deleteFile', 'deleteDir']
addFile and addDir return the previous version of the file/directory in the isRename spot if it is a rename of a file/folder
changeFile returns the previous stats of the file in the isRename argument
deleteFile and deleteDir won't be added to the que until a 2 second delay to verify if it is a file rename or a removal from the directories being watched.
switch(type) {
default: return console.log(`TYPE: ${type}, FILE: ${JSON.stringify(file)}, RENAME: ${JSON.stringify(isRename)}`)
const watching = new Watcher(filePaths, fileCallback)