January 2021 Address Autocomplete has moved. Please see our new Address Finder library
This library will create a UK address autocomplete box for any input field provided and pipe the details of a selected address to input fields you designate.
Usage requires an Ideal-Postcodes.co.uk API Key
This library is tested across modern desktop and mobile browers
Internet Explorer 9 and above is supported. Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 are not supported
To get started, create and point an Autocomplete instance to the input box to add autocomplete to while specifying output fields. E.g.
const controller = new IdealPostcodes.Autocomplete.Controller({
api_key: "iddqd",
inputField: "#input",
outputFields: {
line_1: "#line_1",
line_2: "#line_2",
line_3: "#line_3",
post_town: "#post_town",
postcode: "#postcode"
Please see our documentation for more information
You may install it via npm with,
npm install ideal-postcodes-autocomplete --save
You may also use Bower with,
bower install ideal-postcodes-autocomplete --save
Finally you can install it manually by copying the minified build from /dist/
Run the test suite with,
gulp test
You may test the library manually in a browser console with,
gulp webserver