Space Travelers' Hub is a website that interacts with SpaceX v3 api and let users see available missions, available rockets, join any mission and book any rocket, additional, users can go to the "My Profile" page and see all the missions they have joined and all the rockets they have booked.
- React
- Redux
- JavaScript
- Styled Components
- Space v3 API
To run a local copy of this project follow these simple steps.
- Any web browser (e.g. Google Chrome)
- Any Code Editor (e.g. Vscode)
- Create a new folder.
- Open your console in the new folder and run this command:
git clone
. - Run this command on your terminal to install all the dependencies:
npm i
. - Finally, run this command to start a local server of the project:
npm start
👤 Andres Agudelo
- GitHub: @anagudelogu
- Twitter: @AgudeloAndres__
- LinkedIn: Andres Agudelo Guzman
👤 Stanley (Idung) Sunday
- GitHub: @idungstanley
- Twitter: @IdungStanley
- LinkedIn: Stanley (Idung) Sunday
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.