Metadata_statistics is a sotfware that gets statistics from a XML file or collection.
1.Backup Folder -> Contains a backup from previus metadata-statistics project. 2.Compiled Source -> Contains jar file from metadata_statistics project. 3.Source Folder -> This folder has the entire metada_statistics project wrote in java. It works fine with version jre 1.6 or higher.
To execute the metadata_statistics program ther are a few steps to follow.
java -jar ieru_metadata_statistics (XML file or folder) (Folder Output) (optional)(Template)
The meaning of each argument are defined and all the steps to follow are in Execution wike page (
These cases are referred in metadata_statistics project. All cases are explained in detail in the wiki page Cases (
1.Count -> It counts all de references written in xpath action.
1.2. Count with attribute 'option = "existences"', it counts if the element exists or not.
1.3. Count with attribute 'special = "valueIsURI"', check if the value is a URI or not.
2.Mean -> Calculates the average of occurences of an element.
3.List -> Make simple list with the elements in xpath query.
4.Frequencies -> Calculates the frequency of ocurrences of each element indicates in xpath query.
5.Classify -> Classify the elements in base of many options like date, author, etc.
6.ClassifiedCount -> Classify the elements with no repetition and shows the number of apearances of each element.
For more information visit metadata-statistics wiki (