XmlRpc Web Service Client .NET is a C# implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls. This implementation can be used in .NET 4.6 This software was tested with Odoo ERP 8 and 11
Support: One2Many or Many2Many
- (0, 0, values) adds a new record created from the provided value dict.
- (1, id, values) updates an existing record of id id with the values in values. Can not be used in create().
- (2, id, 0) removes the record of id id from the set, then deletes it (from the database). Can not be used in create().
- (3, id, 0) removes the record of id id from the set, but does not delete it. Can not be used in create().
- (4, id, 0) adds an existing record of id id to the set.
- (5, 0, 0) removes all records from the set, equivalent to using the command 3 on every record explicitly. Can not be used in create().
- (6, 0, ids) replaces all existing records in the set by the ids list, equivalent to using the command 5 followed by a command 4 for each id in ids.
var orderLine = new List<object>();
//Product 1
var product = GetSearchProductByDefaultCode(conn, "10.RF.091.00");
RpcRecord record = new RpcRecord(conn, "sale.order.line", -1, new List<RpcField>
new RpcField{FieldName = "name", Value = product.GetField("name").Value},
new RpcField{FieldName = "customer_lead", Value = 8},
new RpcField{FieldName = "price_unit", Value = 12.45},
new RpcField{FieldName = "product_uom_qty", Value = 5},
new RpcField{FieldName = "product_id", Value = product.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "tax_id", Value = product.GetField("taxes_id").Value},
orderLine.Add(new object[] { 0, 0, record.GetRecord() });
RpcRecord record = new RpcRecord(conn, "sale.order", -1, new List<RpcField>
new RpcField{FieldName = "company_id", Value = 1},
new RpcField{FieldName = "currency_id", Value = 31},
new RpcField{FieldName = "date_order", Value = "2021-01-12"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "name", Value = "Örnek Sipariş No:" + rnd.Next(1,10000).ToString()},
new RpcField{FieldName = "partner_id", Value = partner.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "partner_invoice_id", Value = partner.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "partner_shipping_id", Value = partner.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "picking_policy", Value = "one"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "pricelist_id", Value = 1},
new RpcField{FieldName = "warehouse_id", Value = 5},
new RpcField{FieldName = "state", Value = "sale"}, //Onaylı Sipariş ise
new RpcField{FieldName = "order_line", Value = orderLine.ToArray() }
- Copyright: 2020 İsmail Eski ismaileski@gmail.com
- Repository: https://github.com/ieski/OdooXmlRpc
- License: LGPL 3
- Language: C#, .NET 4.6
- IDE: Visual Studio 2019
- Version: v2.0.0
- Source:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)
var rpcConnnectionSettings = new RpcConnectionSetting();
var odooConn = new RpcConnection(rpcConnnectionSettings);
//Create Sale Order
static RpcRecord WriteSaleOrder(RpcConnection conn)
var partner = CreatePartner(conn);
var rnd = new Random();
var orderline = GetSaleOrderLine(conn);
RpcRecord record = new RpcRecord(conn, "sale.order", -1, new List<RpcField>
new RpcField{FieldName = "company_id", Value = 1},
new RpcField{FieldName = "currency_id", Value = 31},
new RpcField{FieldName = "date_order", Value = "2021-01-12"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "name", Value = "Örnek Sipariş No:" + rnd.Next(1,10000).ToString()},
new RpcField{FieldName = "partner_id", Value = partner.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "partner_invoice_id", Value = partner.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "partner_shipping_id", Value = partner.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "picking_policy", Value = "one"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "pricelist_id", Value = 1},
new RpcField{FieldName = "warehouse_id", Value = 5},
new RpcField{FieldName = "state", Value = "sale"}, //Onaylı Sipariş ise
new RpcField{FieldName = "order_line", Value = orderline.ToArray() }
return record;
//Sale Order Satırlarını Oluştur
static List<object> GetSaleOrderLine(RpcConnection conn)
var orderLine = new List<object>();
//Add Product 1
var product = GetSearchProductByDefaultCode(conn, "10.RF.091.00");
RpcRecord record = new RpcRecord(conn, "sale.order.line", -1, new List<RpcField>
new RpcField{FieldName = "name", Value = product.GetField("name").Value},
new RpcField{FieldName = "customer_lead", Value = 8},
new RpcField{FieldName = "price_unit", Value = 12.45},
new RpcField{FieldName = "product_uom_qty", Value = 5},
new RpcField{FieldName = "product_id", Value = product.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "tax_id", Value = product.GetField("taxes_id").Value},
new object[] { 0, 0, record.GetRecord() }
//Add Product 2
var product2 = GetSearchProductByDefaultCode(conn, "10.RF.085.00");
RpcRecord record2 = new RpcRecord(conn, "sale.order.line", -1, new List<RpcField>
new RpcField{FieldName = "name", Value = product2.GetField("name").Value},
new RpcField{FieldName = "customer_lead", Value = 8},
new RpcField{FieldName = "price_unit", Value = 65.75},
new RpcField{FieldName = "product_uom_qty", Value = 12},
new RpcField{FieldName = "product_id", Value = product2.Id},
new RpcField{FieldName = "tax_id", Value = product2.GetField("taxes_id").Value},
new object[] { 0, 0, record2.GetRecord() }
return orderLine;
//Search Product
static RpcRecord GetSearchProductByDefaultCode(RpcConnection conn, string defaultCode)
var rpcContext = new RpcContext(conn, "product.product");
.RpcFilter.Equal("default_code", defaultCode);
var data = rpcContext.Execute(true, limit: 1);
return data.FirstOrDefault();
// Create Partner
static RpcRecord CreatePartner(RpcConnection conn)
var stateId = GetCountryStateByName(conn, "İstanbul");
//res.partner - Create
RpcRecord record = new RpcRecord(conn, "res.partner", -1, new List<RpcField>
new RpcField{FieldName = "name", Value = "İsmail Eski"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "street", Value = "Merkez"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "street2", Value = "Merkez Mh."},
new RpcField{FieldName = "state_id", Value = stateId},
new RpcField{FieldName = "vat", Value = "TR1234567890"}
return record;
//Search Country State
static int GetCountryStateByName(RpcConnection conn, string stateName)
var rpcContext = new RpcContext(conn, "res.country.state");
.RpcFilter.Equal("name", stateName);
var data = rpcContext.Execute(limit: 1);
return data.FirstOrDefault().Id;
- Source:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Odoo.Concrete;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Odoo.Entensions;
namespace OdooSample
class Program
private static readonly IServiceProvider ServiceProvider;
static void Main(string[] args)
IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)
var rpcConnnectionSettings = new RpcConnectionSetting();
var odooConn = new RpcConnection(rpcConnnectionSettings);
var rpcContext = new RpcContext(odooConn, "hr.employee");
.RpcFilter.NotEqual("image_medium", false);
var data = rpcContext.Execute(true);
foreach (var record in data.ToList())
var image = "";
if (!(bool) record.GetValue("image_medium"))
image = record.GetValue("image_medium").ToString();
if (image.Length <= 0) continue;
var id = record.GetValue("id").ToString();
- Source:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Odoo.Concrete;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace OdooSample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)
var rpcConnnectionSettings = new RpcConnectionSetting();
var odooConn = new RpcConnection(rpcConnnectionSettings);
//res.partner - Write
var partner = new RpcContext(odooConn, "res.partner");
partner.AddFields(new[] {"name", "phone", "email"});
partner.RpcFilter.Equal("name", "ismail eski");
var results = partner.Execute(false, order:"id desc");
//var results = partner.Execute(false, offset:1, limit:2, order: "id desc");
foreach (var result in results)
result.SetFieldValue("phone", "55-66-666");
//res.partner - Create
RpcRecord record = new RpcRecord(odooConn, "res.partner", -1, new List<RpcField>
new RpcField{FieldName = "name"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "phone"},
new RpcField{FieldName = "email"}
record.SetFieldValue("name", "ismail eski");
record.SetFieldValue("phone", "111-222-333");
record.SetFieldValue("email", "ismaileski@gmail.com");
- Source:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Odoo.Concrete;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace OdooSample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)
var rpcConnnectionSettings = new RpcConnectionSetting();
var odooConn = new RpcConnection(rpcConnnectionSettings);
var partner_1 = new RpcModel("res.partner", odooConn);
var method_response = partner_1.CallMethod("find_or_create", new object[1] { "ssssssssss@gddd.com"});