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Rexa metatagger: scientific paper header and reference extraction.

Metatagger is a system which consumes the output of the Rexa's pstotext tool and produces an annotated version of the text, finishing by writing the results to an XML file. The system is a structured series of pipelined components, each performing some task, such as layout analysis (e.g., header block, abstract, body text), or finer-grained labelling, such as identifying reference fields.

The stablest and most mature pipeline components are the coarse segementation system, the header field labeller, and the reference field labeller. Other components which are in various states of development include an "acknowledgements" section labeller and grant number/granting institution labeller.

Alt text

Header fields include:

  • title
  • authors, author, author-first, author-middle, author-last
  • institution
  • address
  • email
  • abstract
  • citation (this tag may appear in the asbtract)

Body fields include:

  • section-marker
  • paragraph-marker
  • notext
  • figure-marker
  • table-marker
  • citation

Thoughout a document's body and abstract many other documents/sources are cited. These citations, e.g. [ 1 ], (1), or (AuthorLast 1999), are now marked with an XML tag as well as linked to a reference in the biblio section. When linked, the "refID" attribute of the citation tag will contain the value of a reference's "refID" from the biblio section of the document. If the algorithm was unable to find a suiteable reference for a particular citation, the citation attribute "refID" will contain a "-1", signifying that no reference matched the citation.

Alt text

References are located in the biblio section of the document. Reference fields include:

  • address
  • author, author-first, author-last, authors
  • conference
  • date
  • journal
  • note
  • pages
  • publisher
  • reference
  • ref-marker
  • series
  • title
  • volume
  • web

Each reference XML tag is given the following attributes to help identify where the element was found within the original PDF file:

  • pageNum - page number element was found on
  • llx, lly, urx, ury - coordinates of the rectangle it was found in

Reference XML tags are also given the following attribute:

  • refID - a unique id with which to reference the reference by


$prompt> ./sbt compile


Basic usage: cat input-file-list | bin/runcrf

The wrapper script runcrf expects a list of input and output filename pairs, one per line, like so:

/path/to/input/file.xml -> /path/to/output/file.output.xml

An example file might look like this:

pstotext-samples/0036C69A8021179B87B8703EE912685CE9DF6606.pdf.pstotext.xml -> pstotext-samples/0036C69A8021179B87B8703EE912685CE9DF6606.pdf.pstotext.xml.tagged.xml
pstotext-samples/003E74C5D7BA741455E5F4659D9BBF4F7240BCF6.pdf.pstotext.xml -> pstotext-samples/003E74C5D7BA741455E5F4659D9BBF4F7240BCF6.pdf.pstotext.xml.tagged.xml
pstotext-samples/ -> pstotext-samples/

Here's how to run it:

$prompt> cat file.txt | bin/runcrf

A method to run a single file:

$prompt> echo "pstotext-samples/0036C69A8021179B87B8703EE912685CE9DF6606.pdf.pstotext.xml -> pstotext-samples/0036C69A8021179B87B8703EE912685CE9DF6606.pdf.pstotext.xml.tagged.xml" | bin/runcrf