Hi! My name is Igor and I'm Computer Science Master (CS) student at the University of Oslo's Department of Informatics. When I'm not buried in my studies, I'm a Developer at Kahoot! in Oslo, Norway.
- ⛏ I’m currently working as a Full-Stack Developer in Oslo, Norway.
- 💡 I’m currently Doing:
- Mastering Ethical Hacking😎
- Improving React/TypeScript & Java/Spring Boot at my job
- Golang
- Swift
- OS
- Improving my solving skills at Leetcode in JS and Golang
- 🎨 Hobbies: 🎾 & 🏋️ & 🍔
- Personal Website: igormomc.com
class WhoAmI:
def __init__(self):
user = 'Igor Momcilovic'
user_age = 24
current_edu = "University of Oslo's Department of Informatics"
current_job = "Software Engineer @ Kahoot!"
hobbies = [
'Being up all Night chasing that ONE BUG...'
def getCity():
return Oslo_Norway()
def languageSpoken():
self.language_spoken = ["no_NOR", "en_USA", "sr_SRB"]
📊 Weekly development breakdown
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