J Hasher is a hashing application build entirely using java (Open JDK 17.0 & OpenJFX SDK)
- Hash Texts/Strings
- Hash Files
- Check Hashes For Intergrity Of Files
- Algorithms Available
- MD2
- MD5
- SHA-1
- SHA-224
- SHA-256
- SHA-384
- SHA-512
J Hasher is An Open - Source Project, And is Liscened under GNU GPL V3 licensce. J hasher is currently in Beta State and is actively being developed.
Currently we offer an executable .jar build of J Hasher. Which requires JRE v17.0 and Above. You can build the native executable using launch4j and JDK v17
J Hasher requires
- Java v17
- Java Fx SDKv17
J Hash uses the Jakarta API's for some processing parts. Hence, please do add the following dependecy to your -
implementation group: 'jakarta.xml.bind', name: 'jakarta.xml.bind-api-parent', version: '3.0.0', ext: 'pom'
Note : Maven was used for Building This Project.