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fix build and add functions to dll #189

fix build and add functions to dll

fix build and add functions to dll #189

Workflow file for this run

name: mdflib
- main
vcpkgCommitId: cd5e746ec203c8c3c61647e0886a8df8c1e78e41
name: run on ${{ matrix.os }}(${{ matrix.arch }})
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [windows-latest]
arch: [x64, x64_x86]
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Install latest CMake.
- uses: lukka/get-cmake@latest
# Setup vcpkg: ensures vcpkg is downloaded and built.
# Since vcpkg.json is being used later on to install the packages
# when `run-cmake` runs, no packages are installed at this time
# (and vcpkg does not run).
- name: Setup vcpkg
uses: lukka/run-vcpkg@v11
# This is the default location of the directory containing vcpkg sources.
# Change it to the right location if needed.
vcpkgDirectory: '${{ github.workspace }}/vcpkg'
# If not using a submodule for vcpkg sources, this specifies which commit
# id must be checkout from a Git repo.
# Note: it must not be set if using a Git submodule for vcpkg.
vcpkgGitCommitId: '${{ env.vcpkgCommitId }}'
# This is the glob expression used to locate the vcpkg.json.
# Change it to match a single manifest file you want to use.
# Note: do not use `${{ github.context }}` to compose the value as it
# contains backslashes that would be misinterpreted. Instead
# compose a value relative to the root of the repository using
# `**/path/from/root/of/repo/to/vcpkg.json` to match the desired `vcpkg.json`.
vcpkgJsonGlob: '**/vcpkg.json'
# This is only needed if the command `vcpkg install` must run at this step.
# Instead it is highly suggested to let `run-cmake` to run vcpkg later on
# using the vcpkg.cmake toolchain. The default is `false`.
# runVcpkgInstall: true
- name: Build
uses: lukka/run-cmake@v10
# This is the default path to the CMakeLists.txt along side the
# CMakePresets.json. Change if you need have CMakeLists.txt and CMakePresets.json
# located elsewhere.
cmakeListsTxtPath: '${{ github.workspace }}/CMakeLists.txt'
# This is the name of the CMakePresets.json's configuration to use to generate
# the project files. This configuration leverages the vcpkg.cmake toolchain file to
# run vcpkg and install all dependencies specified in vcpkg.json.
configurePreset: 'msvc-multi-vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}'
# This is the name of the CMakePresets.json's configuration to build the project.
buildPreset: 'msvc-multi-vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}-release'
- name: Upload build
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: mdflibs-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
path: install/msvc-multi-vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}/
name: run on ${{ matrix.os }}(${{ matrix.arch }})
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest]
arch: [x64]
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Install latest CMake.
- uses: lukka/get-cmake@latest
# Setup vcpkg: ensures vcpkg is downloaded and built.
# Since vcpkg.json is being used later on to install the packages
# when `run-cmake` runs, no packages are installed at this time
# (and vcpkg does not run).
- name: Setup vcpkg
uses: lukka/run-vcpkg@v11
# This is the default location of the directory containing vcpkg sources.
# Change it to the right location if needed.
vcpkgDirectory: '${{ github.workspace }}/vcpkg'
# If not using a submodule for vcpkg sources, this specifies which commit
# id must be checkout from a Git repo.
# Note: it must not be set if using a Git submodule for vcpkg.
vcpkgGitCommitId: '${{ env.vcpkgCommitId }}'
# This is the glob expression used to locate the vcpkg.json.
# Change it to match a single manifest file you want to use.
# Note: do not use `${{ github.context }}` to compose the value as it
# contains backslashes that would be misinterpreted. Instead
# compose a value relative to the root of the repository using
# `**/path/from/root/of/repo/to/vcpkg.json` to match the desired `vcpkg.json`.
vcpkgJsonGlob: '**/vcpkg.json'
# This is only needed if the command `vcpkg install` must run at this step.
# Instead it is highly suggested to let `run-cmake` to run vcpkg later on
# using the vcpkg.cmake toolchain. The default is `false`.
# runVcpkgInstall: true
- name: Build
uses: lukka/run-cmake@v10
# This is the default path to the CMakeLists.txt along side the
# CMakePresets.json. Change if you need have CMakeLists.txt and CMakePresets.json
# located elsewhere.
cmakeListsTxtPath: '${{ github.workspace }}/CMakeLists.txt'
# This is the name of the CMakePresets.json's configuration to use to generate
# the project files. This configuration leverages the vcpkg.cmake toolchain file to
# run vcpkg and install all dependencies specified in vcpkg.json.
configurePreset: 'ninja-multi-vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}'
# This is the name of the CMakePresets.json's configuration to build the project.
buildPreset: 'ninja-multi-vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}-release'
- name: Upload build
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: mdflibs-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
path: install/ninja-multi-vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}/