add line in gemfile
gem 'jekyll-scholar'
or install by
gem install jekyll-scholar
add these lines in _config.yml
plugins: ['jekyll/scholar']
style: apa
style specifies the style you want to render
Now create a directory called _bibliography where you put all your .bib or bibtex files into. Remember to add
at the top of your bibtex file.
Now in the any file under _pages. You can render the bibtex using
{% bibliography -f file_name %}
where the file_name is the file name of your .bib file without extension. -f stand for file.
Jekyll seperate the html from the data inside it. Each .md files in the _pages folder has corresponding .yml data file. For example, publications page. The html is in _pages/ file. It uses the layout of gridlay(_layouts/gridlay). fetch data from _data/publist.yml with for loop at line 17
{% for publi in %}
some other code
{% endfor %} means this site in _data folder and file publist.yml The list of publications is stored at publist.yml. The loops through the file and uses it to generate html. In order for us to use it, we need to replace the .yml file in _data with our information of the website. That way, the website struture will keep the same the content can be changed. The info about the website is store at _config.yml, where you can change multiple values such as title, email .etc.