Fedora95 is a collection of bash scripts and files which turns an ordinary Fedora (typically rawhide) installation into a full desktop environment mimicking Windows 95. It can automatically install and configure Chicago95 from scratch on any Fedora install.
Easy to use oneliner:
sudo sh -c "$(curl -L https://iipython.cf/g/Fedora95/install.sh)"
The above command might work for most people, although piping to sh is quite a controversial topic. If you wish to review the source you're running:
wget https://iipython.cf/g/Fedora95/install.sh && cat install.sh
This will confirm that the source you are piping is the exact same as what's in this repository (as iipython.cf/g/1/2
is a redirect to raw.githubusercontent.com/iiPythonx/1/main/2
As of right now, there isn't a straight forward way of removing everything Fedora95 does, although this will remove most of it:
# Git is included for completeness; remove if required
sudo dnf groupremove xfce -y
sudo dnf remove git xfce4-panel-profiles qt5-qtstyleplugins -y
# Purge xfce4 files if not removed already
rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4
# Purge Chicago95
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/themes/Chicago95
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Chicago95* # Wildcard hits tux