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Contribution Guidelines.

Prathmesh Khandelwal edited this page Oct 2, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the algos-web wiki!

How to contribute?

  • Fork this repository.
  • Clone repo on your local machine💻
  • Check out Readme for installing dependencies and setting up locally.
  • Make a new branch, if you are adding any new feature (like adding a page) then name it as feat/<feature-added> or else if you are fixing any bug then name it as fix/<bug-fix>.
  • After making changes use git add . for adding your changes and use git commit -m"<your-commit-message>" for committing the changes.
  • Use this link for having a better understanding of writing proper commit messages.
  • Use git push <your-remote> <branch-name> for pushing your changes.
Clone this wiki locally