Releases: iirds-consortium/specification
iiRDS Version 1.2 (Release Date 10 November 2023)
[IIRDS-125] Fragments not restricted to XML
In iirds-specification
, In Section 6.2 of the specification, added example about fragments.
[IIRDS-146] Classes are not disjoint
In the specification, added section about disjointness of classes
[IIRDS-191] Language-specific title of InformationUnits
Added multi-language specific titles of documents.
[IIRDS-218] Wrong mime type in EXAMPLE 5
In sections "Information Objects" and "Content Lifecycle Status "; Replaced wrong MIME type "application/html" by correct one "text/html".
[IIRDS-219] Events: Wrong cardinalities and properties
Corrected a false statement about the cardinality of iirds:eventCode and iirds:eventType.
[IIRDS-236] Remove namespace from @iirds:class
In section 10.4, removed namespace iirds from html attribute class.
[IIRDS-252] Wrong mime type definition in specification
In section 5.2.1, error in mimetype corrected.
[IIRDS-255] Wrong description in chapter "Proprietary Property"
In section 7.3.3, misleading description of example removed.
[IIRDS-259] Add example with Productfunction and ProductProperty
In section 6.6.2 Product Metadata, added example to illustrate differentiation between subordinate iirds:ProductFunction and iirds:ProductProperty.
[IIRDS-260] Add skos labels in iiRDS Terms Domain, harmonize with IEC 82079-1, ISO/CD 24183 terminology
Added RDF side file with skos terminology information; harmonized descriptions with IEC 82079-1, ISO/CD terminology to be consistant.
[IIRDS-273] Correct use of ProductVariant und Identity
In Example 30 of the specification, added sentence about the identifier of a product variant.
[IIRDS-274] Incorrect description (cardinality for property duration) of class iirds:MaintenanceInterval
In iirds-core.rdf, removed 'optional' from description of iirds:MaintenanceInterval.
[IIRDS-278] Clarify docking point vs extensions of non-docking-point classes
Added a description for "Docking Points" to "Terms and Definitions".
[IIRDS-283] Specification uses iirds:applicable-to-document-type property instead of iirds:is-applicable-to-document-type
Specification uses iirds:applicable-to-document-type property instead of iirds:is-applicable-to-document-type is corrected as in A.1.1
[IIRDS-297] Check ECLASS linking options
In iirds-core.rdf, added iirds:ExternalClassification and additional structures to support external classifications which are not based on RDF, for example ECLASS.
In the specification, added section about iirds:ExternalClassification.
[IIRDS-306] iirds:description has domain iirdsDomainEntity
In iirds-core.rdf, removed the domain of property
[IIRDS-308] DocumentTypes not extendable?
In section 6.5.1 of the specification, added sentence about using proprietary document types.
[IIRDS-310] Wrong encoding for monospace font
In the specification in Example 43 wrong quotations characters replaced by the correct ones.
[IIRDS-314] iiRDS Spec 1.1 links to old rdf files on top of the page
Links to old RDF files on top of iiRDS Spec 1.1 replaced by correct ones in Spec. 1.2
Version 1.1
Release Date 03 November 2020