This JSON Web Token Authentication system is implemented using Spring Boot and Java. It was built in order to be used on uth-ece470 (University of Thessaly - Software Design & Development) final project. The project is a Health Managment System web app, and all the http requests that reach the server are processed by the Spring Boot Controllers. The whole repository was made with the help of
The authorized urls are /api/v1/auth/register and /api/v1/auth/authenticate. The register/login page sends with a POST request a Json containing the credentials. The server generates a token and writes it on user's cookies (httpOnly & Secure so that they cannot be accessed/modified by JavaScript). The token comes along with every http request performed by the browser. The server is able to check if the token is valid/expired or not, and decide whether to let user access specific data or not.
JWT is an open standard used to share security information. Each JWT contains encoded JSON objects, including a set of claims. As we can see on the image below,
JWTs are signed using a cryptographic algorithm to ensure that the content of the token is hidden, but can be read by the server using the secret key. So, using JWT, we are able to provide an elegant and secure way to authenticate users.
- the endpoints that respond to the requests
- the format of json needed as input for authentication (email & password)
- an object of this class contains the token that will be written on browser's cookies
- methods that implement registration/authentication
- the format of json that we need to perform registration (email, password, firstname, lastname)
- describes the connection of the app with the storage (here, we define the way that our app communcates with the database - in real world apps the communication would be done with a repository, not a virtual db)
- the method that is performed whenever a request reaches a non-authorized url, to tell if the user is authenticated or not
- methods needed to create/read tokens and extract the username
- configurations about the security (eg we define the authorized urls)
Contains exapmles on how a real request could be done with JavaScript, taking the input by an html form
- simulates a form that the users can give their info to register. Using axios.js, we send the object on server and redirect on main page
- simulates a form that the users can give their credentials to authenticate/login