- Created scrapers by using Jikan (時間) REST API to scrap anime and user information from myanimelist[DOT]net.
- Scraped 2333 anime TV productions between 2010-2022 from myanimelist using python and the created scraper.
- Scraped 86269 individual users' data.
- model build
Python Version: 3.9
Packages: pandas(1.4.4)
Jikan API: https://jikan.moe/
Scraper Github: https://github.com/ildeniz/Anime_Recommendation_System/blob/master/mal_scraper.py
The scrapers used to scrape 2333 anime TV productions between 2010-2022 from myanimelist[DOT]net, and 86269 individual users' scores & watch status info.
I had to get creative to collect user data since Jikan API no longer supports scraping anime list of individual users. Instead of scraping data directly from user data, I utilised each anime's "user updates" section. This section goes up to a maximum of 100 pages, and each page is consistent with 75 individual users. Due to time constraints issues, I preferred to scrap data from the first 5 pages. During scraping, I realised that sometimes users appear on multiple pages; I dealt with this problem in the source and implemented a section to remove duplicates while scraping.
For each anime, we got the following information:
- Anime title
- Anime MAL ID
- Rating (Animes w/o a user rating are excluded.)
- Number of users who rated the anime
- Number of members of the anime
- Number of members favourited the anime
- Genre
- Premiered year
- Premiered season
For each user, we got the following information:
- User name
- Score assigned by the user to a given anime
- User's watch status of the anime
- The id number of the anime
Result contamination avoidance:
- Suspicious (fake, bot, troll) user accounts are excluded from the data set.
- Observations with watching status as
'Plan to Watch'
are excluded from the data set. - Observations with watching status as
with user scores more than 6 are excluded from the data set.
Missing values:
- Animes without determined genres are classified as
. - User infos with missing values in watching status are accounted as corrupted data and excluded from the data set.
Feature engineering:
- Created dummies of the comma seperated values in