- Comparison of gene programs between cell types is necessary for making decisions on Transcription Factors (TFs) useful for conversions.
- Design and selection of gene sets for this propuse can be automated considering heuristics, such as top-N up-regulated genes.
- Comparison of gene groups should consider between different cell lineages and redundancy between gene sets.
This Python workflow:
- Calculates motif biases (log2FC and Z-scores (up-coming)) between two cell types of interest, or a celltype versus a group of celltypes, using top-N genes and TF motifs for TF-gene associations.
- Summarizes values as a table, for downstream analyses
- Expression values are obtained an normalized into Z-scores from a expression resource (e.g. TabulaMuris)
- Z-scores also preparing sets of N genes (e.g. 1000) for each cell type.
- Using pre-annotated motifs (from CIS-BP) cell type pairs are compared based on this metric.
- For each comparison, a log2FC is reported.
- Clone repository.
git clone gimme_motif_bias.git
cd gimme_motif_bias
#### Create an enviroment suitable to run this (gmb can be replaced by any name you want).
conda create --name gmb python=3.6 --file requirements.txt
source activate gmb
- Motif hits CIS-BP (mouse genome) (~1GB).
- download the following file and uncompress it in
Motif hits mm10 (Dropbox)
- download the following file and uncompress it in
(If creating an envinroment with requirements.txt, then already good to go).
Python 3
https://www.python.org/- Data Science packages for Python:
pandas numpy
(for ENSEMBL IDs conversion steps).
python gimme_motif_bias.py --help # print help and exit
python gimme_motif_bias.py --listont # list all available ontologies and finish
python gimme_motif_bias.py --listmotifs ASCL1 # list all motifs related to ASCL1
# 1 versus 1
python gimme_motif_bias.py -a neuron -b hepatocyte --motifid M08474_1.94d
# force rewriting
python gimme_motif_bias.py -a neuron -b hepatocyte --motifid M08474_1.94d --overwrite
# 1 versus many
python gimme_motif_bias.py -a neuron -b shortlist1 --motifid M08474_1.94d --overwrite
- A TSV table with the respective effect sizes, p-values, in long format
see output/motif_ensemblid.tsv.gz
- Excel table in similar format (if
is given).
- If running sequencially for several pairs, run with option
to update the current table - Values for repeated queries will unless cleaning the output directory. This is designed to save CPU time in the long run.
- Around 1-2 minutes for one pair.
- 10 minutes for full execution between cell type versus all one TFs (one CPU, default parameters, verification against other genomes and RNA secondary structure assessment).
- Adding more cell types increases quadratically running time quadratically.
- Increasing the number of motifs increases linearly the running time.
- Custom cell types and gene sets can be added manually in
as text files. Mind the format for labels to be recognized. - You can add any custom set of hits of your interest in
, following the motif hit format.
- Report in Issues.
- e-mail to Ignacio Ibarra (ignacio.ibarra@helmholtz-muenchen.de).